Creating Integration Rules - Type 2

ERP Cloud
This topic relates to the first generation of Integration Rules. Contact your Certinia representative for information about the suitability and availability of the next generation of integration rules (ClickLink).

You should read What is an Integration Rule? and Integration Rules - Type 2 before creating your first type 2 integration rule.

To create a type 2 integration rule:

  1. Click the Integration Rules tab.
  2. Click New
  3. Specify a unique name for the new integration rule.
  4. [Optional] Enter a description.
  5. Select the target and source objects, only if you need to map any fields between the master objects. If you only need to map fields between the target and source detail objects, do not select target and source objects and skip to step 10.
  6. [Optional, for types 2a and 2b] Select a field to update the document number on the source object.
  7. [Optional, for types 2a and 2b] Select a field to update the processed indicator on the source object.
  8. If you are creating an integration rule for the automatic generation of cash entries (Type 2c), make sure that the Multi-line Cash Entry checkbox is set correctly:
    • Selected if you want to create one cash entry with multiple account lines.
    • Deselected if you want every record in the source object to create its own individual cash entry.
  9. Click New Line to create a field mapping between the master objects.
    1. Select a target field.
    2. Select a source field.
    3. [Optional] Click New Line to create another field mapping between the master objects.
  10. Select the target and source detail objects, only if you need to map any fields between the detail objects. If you do not need to map fields between the target and source detail objects, skip to step 12.
  11. Click New Line to create a field mapping between the detail objects.
    1. Select a target detail field.
    2. Select a source detail field.
    3. [Optional] Click New Line to create another field mapping between the detail objects.
  12. Click Save to save the integration rule or Cancel to abort.