Automatically Generating Cash Entries

ERP Cloud
This topic relates to the first generation of Integration Rules. Contact your Certinia representative for information about the suitability and availability of the next generation of integration rules (ClickLink).

To automatically generate and post one or more cash entries from the data contained in a custom object:

  1. Click the Run Integration Rule tab.
  2. Specify the integration rule you want to use to generate and post cash entries.
  3. [Optional] Select up to five fields on the source object to use as selection criteria. For each source field named as selection criteria, you must also select an operator and enter a value for comparison.

    There are no lookup icons on these fields. You must know the exact name or value you need to enter and use its correct spelling and format.

  4. Click Run to generate one or more cash entries or Cancel to abort. You are notified of the success or failure of this operation. This message also tells you the cash entry number or numbers to help you locate them later.

If successful, the lookup field on the source object is updated with a corresponding cash entry number. Also, the checkbox on the source object is automatically selected to prevent the same records from being processed again.

Generated cash entries are automatically posted and have a status of "Complete".