Creating and Posting an Intercompany Journal
To create a new intercompany journal in the source company:
- Make sure the source company is your current company
- Click the Journals tab.
- Click New next to Recent Journals on the journals home page.
- Accept, or amend, the default journal date (today).
- Accept, or amend, the default journal currency (home).
- [Optional] Enter a reference and/or description.
- Accept, or amend, the default accounting period for this journal. This period must be open.
- When adding a new line, select "Intercompany" as the type of line you want to add and select the destination company
- Select the appropriate destination line type and related item value.
- Complete the remaining journal line item and destination line details, as described in Journal Line Items.
- [Optional] Add further journal line items.
- [Optional] Click Validate on the button bar to check the journal as a whole is valid for posting.
- Click Save to save the journal or Cancel to abort. You can also click Save & New to save the changes to the current journal and create another.
When you are ready, you must post the intercompany journal in the source company. See Posting Journals for more information.
In addition to posting the normal transaction, this creates the appropriate intercompany transfer record in the destination company.