Intercompany Definition Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields that make up an intercompany definitionClosed.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only

Field   Description
Accounts Payable GLA * General ledger account to receive the intercompany transfer value. This field supports corporate and local GLAs.
Accounts Receivable GLA * General ledger account to record the outgoing intercompany transfer value. This field supports corporate and local GLAs.

Allows intercompany documents received by the current company (the destination company) to be posted automatically instead of being created with the status "In Progress". By default this checkbox is disabled and posting the documents in the destination company is a manual step.

Auto-Process   Allows intercompany documents sent from the current company (the source company) to be processed automatically in the destination company. By default this checkbox is disabled and processing intercompany transfers in the destination company is a manual step.
Charge Intercompany Tax   If selected, this allows Intercompany Tax charges when posting and generating documents between source and destination companies.
Company   The current companyClosed.
Destination Dimension 1–4   Dimensions to use as defaults on intercompany documents.
Destination Document Bank Account   Bank account to receive the intercompany cash entry. Accounting uses this bank account when you are the receiving company for an intercompany cash entry.
Intercompany Definition Number R Unique identifier for this intercompany definition.
Related Company * The other company involved in the intercompany transfer.
Source Dimension 1–4   Dimensions to use as defaults on intercompany documents.