Creating Intercompany Definitions

ERP Cloud

To create a new intercompany definitionClosed:

  1. Make sure your current companyClosed is the correct company for the intercompany definition records that you plan to create.
  2. Click the Companies tab.
  3. Select the relevant company and display its detail.
  4. Scroll down to the Intercompany Definitions related list.
  5. Click New Intercompany Definition to display the new intercompany definition page. You can also access this page directly by clicking the Intercompany Definitions tab.
  6. In the Related Company field, select the other company in this intercompany definition instance. This is the company that either sends or receives the intercompany documents.
  7. Enable the Auto-Post checkbox to allow intercompany documents received by the current company (the destination company) to be posted automatically instead of being created with the status "In Progress".
  8. Enable the Auto-Process checkbox to allow intercompany documents sent from the current company (the source company) to be processed automatically in the destination company.
  9. Select the general ledger account to debit or credit when posting the intercompany documents in the source company.
  10. Select up to four analysis dimensions to use as defaults on intercompany documents in the source company.
  11. Select the general ledger account to receive the intercompany transfer value in the destination company.
  12. Select up to four analysis dimensions to use as defaults on intercompany documents in the destination company.
  13. Set the Destination Document Bank Account. Accounting uses this bank account when you are the receiving company for an intercompany cash entry.
  14. When you have finished, click Save. You can also click Save & New to save the changes to the current record and then immediately begin to create another.


In order to make it easier for you to set up your org, the following sample template can be imported using Datastream:

  • Intercompany Definitions

To use this functionality, you must download the Intercompany Definitions and Tax Codes Mappings Templates Excel (XLSX) file (Download), and have Datastream installed and configured. For more in formation, see Datastream Overview.