Setting up Localization for France

ERP Cloud

This compliance guide explains the setup tasks required for your French companies to use the Localization functionality. This guide also gives you access to the certificate held by Certinia of the NF 203 compliance in France. You can access the certificate from here.

You must be signed in as an administrator, or equivalent, to complete these tasks. We recommend that you complete the tasks in the order shown.

Localization Setup

The following table lists the setup task required regarding the Localization Setup Feature Console feature.

Localization Setup Task
Task Further Information
Enable the Localization Setup Feature Console feature. Enabling Localization Setup

Local Chart of Accounts and Mappings

The following table lists the setup task required regarding local chart of accounts and mappings.

Local Chart of Accounts and Mappings Setup Tasks



Further Information
1 Enable the Local Chart of Accounts Mapping Setup Feature Console feature.

This step is only required for local companies.

Enabling Local Chart of Accounts Mapping Setup
2 Import a chart of accounts and its corresponding mappings for the selected localization.

This step is only required if you do not have an existing chart of accounts or mappings.

Loading Chart of Accounts and Mappings with Datastream
3 Enable the Currency Exchange Gains and Losses Feature Console feature. Enabling the Currency Exchange Gains and Losses Feature

Audit Files

The following table lists the setup task required regarding audit files.


Before completing the steps below, ensure that you have completed steps 6-8 of the Localization Setup Feature Console feature.

Audit File Setup Tasks



Further Information
1 Select a localization for your companies. Selecting Localization at Company Level
2 Run the Generate Sequences job in Foundations. Run or Schedule Generate Sequences Job
3 Enable the Audit File functionality. Enabling Audit File Functionality
4 [Optional] Add custom fields to custom metadata to include them in your audit files. Customizing Audit Files

JET File

The JET (Journal d'Évènement Technique) file is not generated automatically. By enabling the history tracking functionality you can obtain the data required for JET codes 50 and 60. To obtain the data for the other codes, see the JET Codes table in Tracking for JET File. The following table lists the setup task required.

JET File Setup Task
Task Further Information

Enable the history tracking functionality for the following fields required for JET codes 50 and 60:

  • Hard Close Options field on the Period object
  • Status field on the Year object
Tracking for JET File

Financial Statements

Business Analytics and Report Builder include dashboards and reports that enable you to view the details of your financial statements. The following table lists the task required to properly use the dashboards and reports.

Financial Statements Setup Tasks
Task Further Information
Ensure that you have defined local balance sheet values and an order for those values on your GLA records.

You must not perform this task if you import your chart of accounts using Datastream as the values are already defined in the Chart of Accounts and Mappings Templates file. Perform this task only if you create single GLAs manually or automatically using the template file.

VAT Returns

To file your VAT returns, you can either:

  • Use the Avalara VAT Reporting integration. For more information, see About the Avalara VAT Reporting Integration. This integration only supports the accrual basis accounting method.
  • Hire an external financial advisory service, which can use tax-related data from your Accounting environment. You can extract this data using custom reports.

Other Requirements

The following table lists the setup tasks necessary to comply with various requirements.

Setup Tasks for Other Requirements



Further Information
1 Create a validation rule for the Tax Registration Number field on the Account object to make this field mandatory.

See the Salesforce Help.

2 Create a validation rule for the Number of Periods field on the Year object to set a maximum value of 23.

Create a validation rule for the following fields and objects to ensure that the document date falls within the period that you select when you create your documents:

  • Invoice Date and Period fields on the Sales Invoice object
  • Credit Note Date and Period fields on the Sales Credit Note object
  • Invoice Date and Period fields on the Payable Invoice object
  • Credit Note Date and Period fields on the Payable Credit Note object
  • Date and Period fields on the Cash Entry object
  • Journal Data and Period fields on the Journal object