Managing Accounting Playbooks Overview

You can use the Manage Accounting Playbooks page to manage your period close and year end activities.

The links in the Navigation section enable you to open the pages that are relevant to your role.


The Actions component enables you to create playbooks and templates, and replace users whenever required. For more information, see:

Count Cards

Count cards provide you with information to highlight important details about your playbooks and tasks.

The following count cards are available from the Period End Playbooks page:

Name Description
My Active Playbooks The number of active playbooks owned by you. Here the user is the playbook owner. The current date of the playbooks is between the start date and the due date of the playbooks.
My Active Tasks The number of active tasks currently assigned to you. Here the user is the assignee of the active tasks and the tasks are of active playbooks.
My Overdue Playbooks The number of overdue playbooks you own. Here the user is the playbook owner.
My Overdue Tasks The number of overdue tasks currently assigned to you. Here the user is the assignee.

Playbook Task Portfolio Grid Component

The Playbook Task Portfolio Grid component enables you to view all playbook tasks in a list.

For more information, see Using the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Grid.

Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar Component

The Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar enables you to view all playbook tasks in a calendar.

For more information, see Using the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar.


To access and use various actions on the Manage Accounting Playbooks page, ensure that the relevant permission sets are assigned:

  • Accounting - Playbook Owner
  • Accounting - Playbook Task Assignee
  • Accounting - Playbook Task Approver
  • Certinia Configuration Builders Permission