Using the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar

The Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar enables you to view playbook tasks within a calendar.

Changing the Calendar View

You can change the calendar view by selecting one of the following: Week, Month, Year, or Agenda.

Your view is retained each time you use the calendar on the same computer, using the same browser. Your last selected view on the Accounting Workspace is stored independently to your last selected view on the record page.

You can move between dates on your calendar by using the arrows to move between next and previous. To return to today's date, click Today.

You can also use the date picker on the left side of the calendar to select a date to view.

Viewing Tasks

To refresh the data displayed, click Refresh button. Only tasks associated with active playbooks display.

To filter the tasks that are displayed in the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar, click Filter button.

To refine the tasks displayed in the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar, select the relevant playbook below the date picker to display only that playbook's tasks.

Filtering Tasks

Filters enable you to focus on the tasks displayed in the calendar so that only the tasks you want to view are displayed.

To filter the data:

  1. Click Filter button to show the Filters panel.
  2. [Optional] Select a Due Date From and Due Date To for the date range you want to filter by. Tasks that are active during any time of the date range selected display. If no date range is specified, the default date range of one month before and after today's date is applied.
  3. [Optional] Search for and select the companies, playbooks, assignees, playbook owners, playbook types, and task statuses you want to filter by.
  4. Click Apply. The applied filters automatically filter the results displayed in the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Grid.
  5. [Optional] To reset the selected filters to their default values, click Clear.
  6. Click Filter button to hide the Filters panel.
  • If you click Refresh button, the filters remain applied.
  • When using the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar on the account page, filtering is not available.
  • You can filter by company and playbook to reduce the number of playbooks available for selection when creating tasks.
  • Your last selected filter criteria display when you access the calendar on the same computer, using the same browser.
  • The last applied filters automatically display on the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar and Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Grid.
  • Tasks that have a Due Date From before or within the selected date range, but no Due Date To display. Similarly, tasks that have a Due Date To that is after or within the selected date range display.
  • If you only select a Due Date From or Due Date To, the remaining date field defaults to the most appropriate date range.
  • If you do not have the appropriate permissions to the fields in the filter panel, you will not see the corresponding field. Contact your administrator.