Enabling the Accounting Playbook Enhancements Feature

This Feature Console page provides enhancements to accounting playbooks.

Work through the steps in the order shown.

For each automatic step, click Perform. When the step has completed, the Status changes from “Not Done” to “Done”.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Updating Calculate Due Date Values of Accounting Playbook Task Templates

The Playbook Task Template Due Date Update feature step updates the accounting playbook task template records, created in Summer 2023, according to the new task due date calculation method. Instead of calculating the task due date from the playbook's start date, it is now calculated from the period end date.


If you have such records created both in Summer 2023 and in a later version, do not perform this step. Instead, you must update their calculate due date values manually to preserve data integrity. For more information, see Accounting Playbooks Overview.

Updating the Type Field on Existing Period End Playbooks

The Type field has been introduced on AccountingPlaybooks in the Summer 2024 release of Accounting. If you have created playbooks in previous releases, the Type field is blank. You can use this feature to update this field. The type is set to Period End.

Updating Page Layouts

If you have created Accounting Playbook Templates prior to the Summer 2024 release, you must enable this feature step to ensure that the Exclude Public Holdidays and Exclude Weekends fields are displayed on the Accounting Playbook Templates layouts..

Updating the All List Views

If you are upgrading from Spring 2024 or earlier, you must manually update the All list views on the Accounting Playbook and Accounting Playbook Task objects to include the fields listed on the feature step.