Accounting Playbooks Overview

Accounting playbooks are used to manage all the related Accounting tasks in one place. You can either create accounting playbooks manually or generate them from an accounting playbook template. Playbook owners are responsible for creating, editing, and managing accounting playbooks. They are also responsible for ensuring that the related tasks are completed by the assignees. For more information, see Accounting Playbook Fields.

To generate period end or year end playbooks from a template, visit the Manage Accounting Playbooks page from the App Launcher. For more information, see Managing Accounting Playbooks.

When creating or generating accounting playbooks, it is optional to create playbooks for every company and period. We recommend you to merge the playbooks when possible. For example, multi-company period end procedures can be merged into one playbook by selecting the period record of the ultimate parent company or the consolidation adjustment company. This will decrease volumes and make it easier to manage playbooks and tasks.

  • Only users with the Accounting - Playbook Owner permission set assigned can be selected as playbook owner.
  • Only users with the Accounting - Playbook Owner or the Accounting - Playbook Task Assignee permission sets assigned can be selected as assignees.
  • Only users with the Accounting - Playbook Task Approver permission set assigned can be selected as approver.

For more information, contact your administrator.

Accounting Playbook Tasks

Every accounting playbook has one or more related tasks. You can either create an accounting playbook task for an accounting playbook manually or generate it for an accounting playbook from an accounting playbook task template. The status of the accounting playbook depends on the status of the related tasks. For more information, see Creating Accounting Playbook Tasks.

Users with relevant permission sets can approve a playbook task. For more information, see Approving Playbook Tasks

Accounting Playbook Templates

You can also create accounting playbook templates to generate the accounting playbooks from those templates, instead of creating them manually. For more information, see Creating Accounting Playbook Templates.

Accounting Playbook Task Templates

Accounting playbook task templates are used to generate tasks automatically for the accounting playbooks that are generated from existing accounting playbook template. For more information, see Creating Accounting Playbook Templates.

Playbook owners can even remove and replace users. For more information, see Removing and Replacing Users.


In Winter 2024 we have changed the task due date calculation method. The task due date is now calculated from the period end date and not from the playbook's start date.

If you have accounting playbook task template records created:

In Summer 2024 we have introduced Year End Playbook functionality. As part of this we have introduced the Type field. This field is blank on Playbooks created in previous Accounting releases. To update this field, perform the Update Type field step of the Accounting Playbook Enhancements feature in the Feature Console. For more information, see Enabling the Accounting Playbook Enhancements Feature.