Excluding Contract Lines from Renewal

You can mark a contract line to be excluded from renewal by selecting its Exclude from Renewal checkbox. When you renew the contract, any contract lines with the Exclude from Renewal checkbox selected are omitted from the renewal.

Billing Central automatically selects the Exclude from Renewal checkbox when:

  • You add a new one-off line to a contract.
  • You use the Amend Prices feature and a contract line is ended or canceled in order to apply the new unit price.
  • You use the End Contract feature and a contract line is canceled because it does not start until after the contract's end date.

You can deselect the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on a contract line if it was selected automatically by Billing Central.

If you want to stop Billing Central from selecting the Exclude from Renewal checkbox automatically, you can do so via fields in the Billing Central Settings custom setting. For more information, see Don't Exclude One-Off Line from Renewal, Don't Exclude Amended Line from Renewal, and Don't Exclude Canceled Line from Renewal.


When renewing a contract:

  • If all the contract lines have Exclude from Renewal selected, an error message is displayed and no renewal is created.
  • If all the contract lines are canceled but do not have Exclude from Renewal selected, a renewal containing only canceled lines is created.

Excluding One-Off Lines When Using The BC Order to Contract or Opportunity to Contract Integration

If you are using the BC Order to Contract Integration or the Opportunity to Contract Integration, when you create or upsell a contract Billing Central's default behavior is to select the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on new one-off contract lines. If Don't Exclude One-Off Line from Renewal is selected, Billing Central's default behavior is to not select the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on new one-off contract lines.

You can override this default behavior by mapping a custom field on the Order Product or Opportunity Product object to the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on the Billing Contract Line Item object. Then when you create or upsell a contract, the Exclude from Renewal checkbox on a one-off contract line is populated according to the custom field on the corresponding product line.


If you are using the BC Order to Contract Integration, you might have customizations that create one-off contract lines whenever you create or upsell a contract via the integration. For example, you might have a flow or trigger that creates a one-off contract line for an administrative fee whenever you insert a contract or contract line. If you have set up a mapping for the Exclude from Renewal checkbox, you must ensure that your customizations set the Exclude from Renewal field directly on any one-off contract lines they create because Billing Central will not set the field by default.