Setting up Opportunity to Contract Process Configuration

ERP Cloud

The Opportunity to Contract Configuration object enables you to specify which fields control contract creation from opportunities:

  • The Process Trigger fields allow you to specify criteria that define when a contract is created. For example, you can set this to happen when the Stage field value is "Closed Won".
  • The Process Actions fields allow you to specify criteria that define the type of contract that is created:

    • Process Action Field specifies which field on an Opportunity controls the type of Contract created.
    • The Action Value fields specify the values that create different types of contract.

For example, Process Action Field = "Opportunity Type" and Renew Action Value = "Existing Customer - Renewal" may be set in the org-level Opportunity to Contract Configuration. For this configuration, any opportunities with "Opportunity Type" = "Existing Customer - Renewal" are converted to a renewal.

A contract is created automatically when an opportunity meets the criteria defined by the Process Trigger fields and the Process Actions fields. This is the default setup:

  • Process Trigger Field: Stage
  • Process Trigger Value: Closed Won
  • Process Action Field: Type
  • New Contract Action Value: New Customer
  • Upsell Action Value: Existing Customer - Upgrade
  • Replace Action Value: Existing Customer - Replacement
  • Renew Action Value: Existing Customer - Renewal

If the Opportunity to Contract Integration feature is enabled in Feature Console, then contracts created from opportunities include a link to related opportunities. Only users who have permission to view opportunities can view related opportunities from contracts. For more information about the Opportunity to Contract Integration feature, see Setting up the Opportunity To Contract Feature.

To set up your Opportunity to Contract process configuration, you can either edit the Default configuration or create a new one:

  1. Go to Setup | Custom Code | Custom Metadata Types.
  2. Scroll down the list to find Opportunity to Contract Configuration then click Manage Records.
  3. Either:
    • Click Edit to edit the default, then make your changes.
    • Click New to create a new configuration.
  4. For a new configuration, enter a label.
  5. Enter a configuration name, which must be unique. This auto-populates with the label name.
  6. Select an Opportunity Object. This is "Opportunity" in the default configuration, and should always be "Opportunity".
  7. The Active field is selected by default. This determines whether the configuration should be used by the process. Only one "Active" configuration is allowed.
  8. Select a Process Trigger Field and Process Trigger Value. These fields must exist on your opportunity.
  9. Select a Process Action Field, then the action values.


    Two action value fields cannot use the same value.

    A contract is not created if the selected action value does not match the Process Action Field.

  10. Click Save.