Opportunity to Contract Process Configuration Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields on the Opportunity to Contract Configuration object.

Field Name Description
Opportunity Object Must be "Opportunity".
Active Determines whether the configuration should be used by the process. You can have several configurations but only one can be active.
Process Trigger Field The field that defines what triggers the conversion from an opportunity to a contract.
Process Trigger Value Value in the Process Trigger field that triggers the conversion from an opportunity to a contract.
Process Action Field The field that defines which contract process to run.
New Contract Action Value Value in the Process Action field that triggers the creation of a new contract from the opportunity.
Renew Action Value Value in the Process Action field that triggers the renewal of a contract from the opportunity.
Upsell Action Value Value in the Process Action field that triggers the upsell of an active contract from the opportunity.
Replace Action Value Value in the Process Action field that triggers the replacement of a contract from the opportunity.