About Playbook Tasks

Playbook tasks define the individual work items that make up a playbook. You can also use them individually for pieces of work needing to be done at account, success plan, or objective level.

Viewing Playbook Tasks

You can view playbook tasks in:

You can view the playbook task assignment records associated with a playbook task in the Related tab of the playbook task's record page.

Creating Playbook Tasks

You can create playbook tasks using:

  • The Create Playbook Task action in the Actions panel, which is available on the Customer Success Management Workspace. This action might also be available from a record page if your administrator has added the Actions panel to the page.
  • The Add Task button in Success Tracker.
  • The New list view button in the Playbook Tasks tab.

For more information, see Creating Playbook Tasks.


To create playbook tasks records, you must have edit permissions for the Draft field.

You can automatically associate a playbook task with:

  • An account by creating it from the Actions panel on the account's record page
  • A success plan by creating it from the Actions panel on the success plan's record page

When creating a playbook task:

  • The following fields can be automatically populated if you leave them blank:

    • Objective and Parent Success Plan, if you select a playbook for the playbook task
    • Parent Success Plan, if you select an objective for the playbook task
  • If you select a parent success plan for a playbook task, it must match the parent success plan of the playbook associated with the playbook task.

  • When creating a playbook task from a parent record page, the relevant fields are automatically populated with the record information when available.

  • The account associated with the playbook task, playbook, and success plan must be the same.
  • The associated playbook or success plan must be associated with the same account as the playbook task. When the account associated with:

    • The playbook is different from the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the playbook. You can only associate one parent record in addition to the account. If you already have a success plan associated with the task, you must remove it to associate the playbook.
    • The parent success plan is different from the account associated with the task, the Account field updates with the account associated with the parent success plan. You can only associate one parent record in addition to the account. If you already have a playbook associated with the task, you must remove it to associate the success plan.
  • The start and end dates must be within the associated playbook's date range.

Editing Playbook Tasks

You can edit playbook tasks from:

  • The Playbook Tasks tab
  • Success Tracker

For more information, see Editing Playbook Tasks.

When editing a playbook task:

  • The following fields can be automatically populated if you leave them blank:

    • Objective and Parent Success Plan, if you select a playbook for the playbook task
    • Parent Success Plan, if you select an objective for the playbook task
  • If you select a parent success plan for a playbook task, it must match the parent success plan of the playbook associated with the playbook task.

Deleting Playbook Tasks

You can delete playbook tasks:

  • In the Playbook Tasks tab
  • On the record page of the playbook task that you want to delete
  • In the Playbook Tasks related list in the Related tab of the parent records of the playbook tasks that you want to delete
  • In the Playbook Task Manager