Playbook Task Field Sets

The Playbook Task object includes the following field sets.

* Indicates that the field sets are used by default to provide the fields displayed in the Playbook Task Portfolio Grid and Playbook Task Manager Lightning components.

Playbook Task Field Sets


Description Location

Default Fields

Additional Filter Panel Fields

Defines the additional fields that display in the Filters panel on the Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar, Playbook Task Portfolio Grid, and Playbook Task Board.


Only picklist, boolean, date, number, currency, and percent field types display in the Filters panel when added to the field set. Any other field types can be added to the field set but do not display in the Filters panel.

Create Playbook Task Fields Defines the playbook task fields that are copied when creating a playbook task from a parent record template. For more information about using different field sets, see Customizing the Creation and Edit Windows. Create Playbook Task Description
Edit Playbook Task Fields Defines the optional playbook task fields when editing playbook tasks. This field set does not support formula fields. Such fields cannot be displayed on the pages where this field set is added. For more information about using different field sets, see Customizing the Creation and Edit Windows. Edit Playbook Task Description
Task Management Standard Columns *

Defines the standard columns that display in the Playbook Task Manager and Playbook Task Portfolio Grid components. You can remove fields from this field set.


The Name and Playbook fields cannot be removed and will always display in the grid.



Assigned Resources
Start Date Time
End Date Time
Task Management Additional Columns * Defines the additional columns that display in the Playbook Task Manager and Playbook Task Portfolio Grid components. You can add and remove fields in this field set.   Flagged