Customizing the Creation and Edit Windows

Administrators can use the fields of the CS Cloud Create/Edit Field Set Settings custom setting to control the behavior of field sets in the creation and edit windows in Customer Success Cloud. This includes both creating blank records and creating them from templates. Customizing field sets in the creation and edit windows helps reduce the time necessary for customer success managers to make changes in Customer Success Cloud via the Actions Panel, Activity Tracker, and Success Tracker.

To specify a field set for a creation or edit window, enter the field set's API name in the related field of the CS Cloud Create/Edit Field Set Settings custom setting.


You must be signed in with administrator permissions to change these settings.

The following table provides an overview of the creation and edit windows where the fields of the CS Cloud Create/Edit Field Set custom setting enable you to control the behavior of the window field sets.

Creation and Edit Windows and Field Set Settings
Window Location Custom Setting Field Supported Record Creation Method Further Information

Create Objective

  • Actions Panel
  • Success Tracker
Objective Create Fields
  • Creating blank records
  • Creating records from templates

Create Playbook

Playbook Create Fields

Create Playbook Task

Playbook Task Create Fields Creating records from parent record templates

Create Success Plan

Success Plan Create Fields
  • Creating blank records
  • Creating records from templates
Edit CS Activity

Activity Tracker

CS Activity Edit Fields

Edit Objective

Success Tracker Objective Edit Fields
Edit Playbook Playbook Edit Fields
Edit Playbook Task

Playbook Task Edit Fields

Edit Success Plan Success Plan Edit Fields

The field sets specified using the CS Cloud Create/Edit Field Set custom setting do not affect creating and editing new records from the CS Activities, Objectives, Playbooks, Playbook Tasks, and Success Plans tabs.