Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions Dataset Output Fields
Each row of the Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions dataset represents either recognized revenue or forecasted revenue for a record from the Project Reporting dataset that has a revenue recognition template.
Rows that have the Amount Recognized field populated represent recognized revenue. These values are retrieved from revenue recognition transaction lines.
Rows that have the Revenue Forecast Scheduled Revenue field populated represent forecasted revenue. These values are retrieved from revenue forecast records from the Revenue Forecast dataset.
The following PSA records from the Project Reporting dataset are included:
- Expenses
- Milestones
- Miscellaneous adjustments
- Projects
- Timecard splits
The following table describes the fields available in the Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions dataset, grouped by their type within Analytics.
Field Type | Field Label | Field API Name | Description |
Measure | Amount Recognized (Document Currency) | ValueAmountRecognizedDocument |
The total amount of revenue recognized in the revenue recognition transaction line in the document currency. |
Amount Recognized (Dual Currency) | ValueAmountRecognized | The total amount of revenue recognized in the revenue recognition transaction line in the corporate currency. | |
Conversion Rate | ConversionRate | The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the currency of the PSA business record. | |
ValueProjectExchangeRate | ValueProjectExchangeRate |
The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the project currency. This field is directly retrieved from the Project Reporting dataset. |
Revenue Forecast Scheduled Revenue | ValueRevenueForecastScheduledRevenue |
The total scheduled revenue for the project in this period. This is populated from the Scheduled Revenue Value field in the Revenue Forecast dataset. This is only populated for milestones. |
Source Billed Amount | ValueSourceBilled |
The total amount billed for the project. This is populated from the Project Billed Amount field in the Project Reporting dataset. |
Source Billings | ValueSourceBillings |
The total ready-to-bill revenue for the project. This is populated from the Project Billings field in the Project Reporting dataset. |
Dimension | Account ID | AccountId | The ID of the account related to the project. |
Account Name | AccountName | The name of the account related to the project. | |
Company ID | CompanyId | The ID of the Foundations company related to the project. | |
Company Name | CompanyName | The name of the Foundations company related to the project. | |
ID | Id |
The ID of the record that the dataset row relates to. This can be any of the following:
Object ID | ObjectId |
The ID of the record that the dataset row relates to. This can be any of the following:
Object Name | ObjectName |
The name of the record that the dataset row relates to. This can be any of the following:
Object Type | SourceReportingType |
The type of record that the dataset row relates to. The following options are available:
Period Name | PeriodName | The name of the recognition period that the revenue recognition transaction belongs to. | |
Product Name | ProductName | The name of the product that the revenue recognition transaction line relates to. | |
Recognized Record ID | RecognizedRecordId |
The ID of the record that the revenue recognition transaction line relates to. This can be any of the following:
Revenue Forecast Version Name | RevenueForecastVersionName | The name of the revenue forecast version. | |
Revenue Forecast Time Period Name | RevenueForecastTimePeriodName | The name of the time period that the revenue forecast belongs to. | |
Revenue Recognition Template | RRTemplate | The ID of the template that was used to recognize the revenue. | |
Source Currency | CurrencyIsoCode | The currency of the record that the dataset row relates to. | |
Source ID | SourceId | The ID of the related project. | |
Source Name | SourceName | The name of the related project. | |
Status | TransactionStatus | The current status of the revenue recognition transaction. | |
Transaction ID | TransactionId | The ID of the related revenue recognition transaction. | |
Transaction Line ID | TransactionLineId | The ID of the revenue recognition transaction line. | |
Transaction Line Number | TransactionLineNumber | The name of the revenue recognition transaction line. | |
Transaction Number | TransactionNumber | The name of the revenue recognition line. | |
Transaction Period | TransactionPeriod | The name of the recognition period that the revenue recognition transaction belongs to | |
Date | End Date | EndDate |
The end date of the PSA business record. This field is retrieved directly from the Project Reporting dataset. |
Period End Date | PeriodEndDate | The end date of the recognition period that the revenue recognition transaction belongs to. | |
Period Start Date | PeriodStartDate | The start date of the recognition period that the revenue recognition transaction belongs to. | |
Source Start Date | SourceStartDate | The start date of the project. | |
Revenue Forecast Created Date | RevenueForecastCreatedDate | The date on which the revenue forecast was created. | |
Start Date | StartDate |
The start date of the PSA business record. This field is retrieved directly from the Project Reporting dataset. |
Transaction Date | TransactionDate |
The date on which the revenue was recognized. This is populated from the Recognized Date field on the revenue recognition transaction line. |