Sending Multiple Plans to Analytics

You can send multiple plans to Analytics at the same time from the Plans list view.


From the list view, you can only send plans to existing datasets using existing data sources.

To send multiple plans to Analytics:

  1. On the Plans tab, select the plans that you want to send to Analytics.
  2. Click Send to Analytics.
  3. For each selected plan, ensure that an output data source is selected. You can only select data sources that have the same or compatible structure as the plan. For more information, see Combining Plans in a Dataset.
  4. Click Send.

The selected plans and all its scenarios are sent to Analytics in background jobs. A separate job is created for each data source. The plan remains locked until the respective job finishes. If the job is successful, you are notified by email. If you have permissions to do so, you can monitor and troubleshoot jobs from the Data Manager tab and from the Apex Jobs page in Setup. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.