Sending a Single Plan to Analytics

You can send a plan to Analytics from its record page.


To send a plan to Analytics, you must:

  • Have read and write access to the plan.
  • Be assigned the xP&A - Manage Data Sources and Plans permission set.
  • Be assigned the CRM Analytics Platform User permission set.

To send a single plan to Analytics:

  1. Open the plan that you want to send to Analytics.
  2. Click Send to Analytics.
  3. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new dataset, perform the following steps:

      1. Select "New".
      2. Click Next.
      3. Enter a name for the new data source. This is also used as the label of the dataset. The API of the dataset is determined by replacing the white spaces and special characters with underscores.
      4. Select the Analytics app in which the dataset is created. Only the apps that you have access to are displayed.
    • To update an existing dataset, perform the following steps:

      1. Select "Existing".
      2. Click Next.
      3. Select the data source linked to the dataset that you want to update. Only data sources that have the same or compatible structure as the plan are displayed. For more information, see Combining Plans in a Dataset.
  4. Click Send.

The plan and all its scenarios are sent to Analytics in a background job. The plan remains locked until the job finishes. If the job is successful, you are notified by email. If you have permissions to do so, you can monitor and troubleshoot jobs from the Data Manager tab and from the Apex Jobs page in Setup. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.