Cloning a Plan

If you have read access to a plan, you can clone it to create a new plan from it. This might be useful in the following cases:

  • If you want to use an existing plan as the basis for a new plan.
  • If you regularly create plans with the same structure.
  • If you want to create a backup of a plan.

When cloning a plan, you can specify the scenarios that you want to copy. The new plan contains an exact copy of each of the selected scenarios, including calculations and references to other plans and scenarios. In addition, you can choose to clone the cell comments.

To clone a plan:

  1. Open the plan that you want to clone.
  2. Click Clone Plan.
  3. Enter a name for the new plan.
  4. [Optional] Enter a description for the new plan.
  5. If the plan contains cell comments and you want to copy the comments to the new plan, select Clone Comments.
  6. In the Scenarios table, select each scenario that you want to copy to the new plan. The scenario marked as default in the original plan is selected by default.
  7. [Optional] Enter a new name and a new description for each of the selected scenarios.
  8. If you want to change the default scenario, select Default next to the scenario that you want to mark as the default scenario in the new plan. If you are not copying the default scenario from the original plan, you must select a new default scenario.
  9. Click Clone. The new plan is created and is opened automatically.

The following fields are copied from the original plan to the new plan:

  • Dimension 1-12
  • Measure 1-6
  • Input Data Source
  • Output Data Source

The sharing settings from the original plan are not retained in the new plan.