Creating the Financial Plans Dataset

ERP Cloud

The Financial Plans dataset includes data from Extended Planning and Analysis plans and is combined with actuals data from the Financial Balances dataset. For more information, see Financial Plans Dataset Overview.


Before you create the Financial Plans dataset, ensure that you have a shared app created. Otherwise, you won't be able to create the dataset. The app can either be:

  • The default Shared App that is available out of the box.
  • If you don't have the default Shared App, a new blank app that you create with the name SharedApp.

For more information about how to create a blank app, see the Salesforce Help.

Creating the Financial Plans Dataset

To create the Financial Plans dataset:

  1. Go to the Business Analytics Task Launcher tab.
  2. Click Create Financial Plans Dataset.
  3. Click Create.

The dataset is automatically created in the default Shared App, but you can move it to another app if you want. For more information about how to change a dataset's app, see the Salesforce Help.

You are notified by email when the process is complete.

When the dataset is created, it includes a placeholder row that is excluded when the data is processed by the Financial Analytics dataflow. For more information, see Financial Balances Intermediate Processing.


The Financial Plans dataset can only be created once in Analytics and it cannot be overwritten. To create a new Financial Plans dataset, you must delete it from the app that stores it in Analytics Studio and create the dataset again.

If a dataset with the same name and API name already exists, you cannot create the Financial Plans dataset. To create it, delete the existing dataset.