Financial Plans Dataset Overview

ERP Cloud

The Financial Plans dataset from Business Analytics includes information about your plans from Extended Planning and Analysis. It includes fields that match some of the Financial Balances dataset fields. The field values are extracted from your Extended Planning and Analysis plans. These fields provide information most relevant to plans and enable you to accommodate different plan structures. For more information about the Financial Plans dataset fields, see Financial Plans Fields. The Financial Plans dataset also includes several fields that relate to the plans itself. For more information, see Fields on Datasets Created from Plans.

The data from the Financial Plans dataset is updated every time you send a plan to this dataset from Extended Planning and Analysis. For more information about how to send a plan to Analytics, see Send Plans to Analytics.

The data is then processed by the Financial Analytics dataflow to combine it with data from the Financial Balances dataset. For more information, see Comparing Plans with Actuals.

The data from the Financial Plans dataset is not consumed by any of the Financial Analytics dashboards and lenses, either directly from the dataset or from the Financial Balances dataset once the data is combined.

This dataset must be manually created from the Business Analytics Task Launcher. For more information, see: