Generate Scoping Requirement Responses Prompt Template

The Generate Scoping Requirement Responses prompt template is available in Salesforce Prompt Builder. When associating an estimate product within a scoping session, the prompt template generates responses that are populated in the Notes section of each estimate product's requirement. If a requirement response is set to default, the prompt template includes it in the response that it generates.

For more information about Salesforce Prompt Builder and prompt templates, see the Salesforce Help and Salesforce Trailhead.

Prompt Template Data Sources

The prompt template extracts information from the Description field on the Opportunity and Scoping Session objects to generate responses.

It also extracts information from the attachments in the supported formats on the following records:

  • Opportunity related to the scoping session
  • Account related to the opportunity associated with the scoping session

For more information about the formats supported for attachments, see Supported File Formats for Attachments.

When there is more than one attachment on a record, attachments are read from the most recent to the oldest one.


The following limitations apply:

  • There are numerical limits on prompt templates. For more information, see the Salesforce Help.
  • Information from attachments with more than six million characters is not extracted.