Initiating a Transfer

ERP Cloud

You can initiate a transfer from the Inventory tab or the Transfer Requests tab.

Initiating a Transfer from the Inventory Tab

To initiate a transfer from the Inventory Tab:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click Available Inventory on the item master of the item to be moved.
    • Search for the item on the Inventory tab.
  2. Select the checkbox of the inventory to be transferred.
  3. Click Transfer.
  4. Select a reason for the transfer.
  5. [Optional] Enter some additional information about the transfer in the Comments field.
  6. Select the warehouse to move the inventory to.
  7. Enter the number of the item to be transferred in the Quantity field.
  8. Select the Shipment Services to be used to transfer the inventory.
  9. Click OK.

Initiating a Transfer from the Transfer Requests Tab

You can change the ownership of items at an inventory position and transfer them to another warehouse using the Transfer Requests tab.


You must enter a Source Ownership if you enter a Destination Ownership. If you want to add or remove ownership of items at an inventory position, you cannot do so at the same time as transferring the item from one warehouse to another. You must first add or remove ownership by carrying out an inventory adjustment or by creating a Change Ownership request. See Creating An Inventory Adjustment and Changing Ownership.

To initiate a transfer from the Transfer Requests tab:

  1. Click the Transfer Requests tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select the Transfer Request record type and click Continue.
  4. Select a reason code that reflects the reason of the transfer.
  5. Complete the fields in the Location Information section and Shipping Information section. See Transfer Request Fields.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Find Item section enter some search criteria to locate the items for transfer.
  8. Click Search.
  9. Select the checkbox of the line that you want to transfer items for.
  10. Enter the quantity of items to be transferred,
  11. Click Add to Transfer Request.

    If you need to make a change to the items that you have allocated to this transfer request, you can do so at this point. To do so, select the checkbox of the allocated lines, click Reverse Allocate and Delete Lines then repeat the last four steps to allocate the lines you want.

  12. Click Submit for Approval.
  13. Click Transfer.
  14. Click Yes.