Shipping the Items on a Transfer Request

ERP Cloud

The items in a transfer request can be shipped once they have been picked. Transfer request shipments are listed on the Transfer Parts to Warehouse section of the Action Queues Shipping tab. Once a shipment is confirmed, it is no longer displayed on the section and its status is set to "Shipment Complete".

For more information about the Action Queues Shipping tab, see Action Queues Shipping Tab.

Using Lightning Experience

To ship items to another warehouse:

  1. Click the Shipping tab. This tab belongs to the Action Queues app and you can search for using the App Launcher.
  2. Click the Transfer Parts to Warehousesubtab.
  3. Work through the steps described below.

Step 1: Add Carrier and Fees

To specify the carrier and fees for a shipment:

  1. Select the shipment that you want to add the carrier and fees to.
  2. Click Add Carrier and Fees.
  3. On the Add Carrier and Fees window that opens, select a carrier from the Carrier drop-down field.
  4. [Optional] Complete the remaining fields. For more information, see Shipping Fields.
  5. Click Save.
  • You cannot add the carrier and fees to multiple shipments at the same time. Make sure that you select only one shipment before clicking Add Carrier and Fees.
  • The Fees column displays the total fees for the shipment. The value is calculated as: Carrier Fees + Handling Charge.
  • You can edit the information on the Add Carrier and Fees window any time before confirming the shipment.

Step 2: Pack the Shipment for Items with Inbound Outbound Serial Number Control

Note: If your shipment does not contain items with Inbound Outbound Serial Number Control, skip the instructions below and go to the next step.
  1. From the Shipment column, open the shipment that you want to pack.
  2. On the shipment record, click Pack.
  3. Click Serial Numbers List.
  4. Select the checkboxes of the serial numbers that you want to include. Alternatively, you can click Select numbers according to quantity to automatically select a quantity of serial numbers that matches the item quantity in the shipment (serial numbers are selected in alphabetical order).
  5. Click Save.
  6. Back on the packing page, click Save.
  7. Return to the Transfer Parts to Warehouse subtab by clicking the Shipping tab and then the Transfer Parts to Warehouse subtab.
Note: Clicking Select numbers according to quantity only selects displayed serial numbers. The maximum number of serial numbers displayed in the Add Serial Number for IO-Item window is 750. Note that if the quantity in the shipment is greater than 750, clicking Select numbers according to quantity will only select a maximum of 750 serial numbers.

Step 3: Confirm the Shipment

To confirm a shipment:

  1. Back on the Transfer Parts to Warehouse subtab, select the shipment that you want to confirm, if it is not already selected.
  2. [Optional] Click Print to see a print preview of the packing slip for the selected shipment. You can print or download this preview using the options in your browser.
  3. Click Confirm.
  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and find the shipments you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns. For example, you can search shipments by number or type of priority.
  • To show only the shipments you've selected, click Show Selected. Once your selected shipments are the only ones displayed, click Back to Results to show all shipments again.
  • Although you can only add the carrier and fees to one shipment at a time, you can confirm and print multiple shipments at the same time. When you print several shipments at the same time their packing slips are included in a single document.

To help you keep track of your printed packing slips, the Printed field shows a check mark after you click Print for a shipment and the print preview of the packing slip opens. Note that the check mark shows once the print preview opens, whether you print the preview from your browser or not is not controlled by the field.

Using Classic or Lightning Visualforce Pages

To ship items to another warehouse:

  1. Click the Action Queues tab.
  2. Click the Shipping tab.
  3. Go to the Transfer Parts to Warehouse section.
  4. Click Add Carrier on the transfer request's shipment that you want to send.
  5. In the Carrier field, select a carrier from the drop-down list.
  6. [Optional] Complete the remaining fields.
  7. Click Save.
  8. If the item has Inbound Outbound Serial Number Control:
    1. Click the shipment number.
    2. Click Pack.
    3. Click Serial Numbers List.
    4. Select the checkboxes of the serial numbers that you want to include. Alternatively, you can click Select numbers according to quantity to automatically select a quantity of serial numbers that matches the item quantity in the shipment (serial numbers are selected in alphabetical order).
    5. Click Save.
    6. Click Save.
    7. Return to the Shipping tab on the Action Queues tab.
  9. Select the checkbox next to the shipment for the inventory you want to transfer.
  10. Click Confirm.
Note: Clicking Select numbers according to quantity only selects displayed serial numbers. The maximum number of serial numbers displayed in the Add Serial Number for IO-Item window is 750. Note that if the quantity in the shipment is greater than 750, clicking Select numbers according to quantity will only select a maximum of 750 serial numbers.