Credit Invoice Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Order and Inventory Management Credit Invoice object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; A - Automatically populated when you calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax.

Field Name   Description
Credit Invoice Date   The date the credit is applied. This defaults to the date the Credit Invoice is created. It can be changed up to the point when the credit invoice is exported to the accounting system.
Customer Return   The customer return this credit invoice is being raised against.
Export Error   Error that occurred during the export process.
Export Status  

The export status of this credit. This field is automatically set. The possible values are:

  • "New": initial status, no attempt to export the credit invoice has happened.
  • "Export in Process": the credit invoice export is in process.
  • "Exported": the invoice has been successfully exported.
  • "Exported as Billing Document": the credit invoice has been successfully exported as a billing document.
  • "Export Error": there is a message displayed in the Export Error field or the Billing Document Creation Errors field.
External Tax Status A

The status of the tax calculation when using an external system to calculate tax for the credit invoice. The following statuses are available:

  • "Not Calculated": initial status, indicates that tax has not been calculated for the credit invoice.
  • "Calculated": indicates that tax has been calculated for the credit invoice.
  • "Posted" - indicates that tax has been posted in the external tax system. If you use Avalara, the transaction is not included in reports and returns at this point.
  • "Committed": indicates that the tax has been committed in the external tax system and can no longer be changed. If you use Avalara, the transaction is included in reports and returns at this point.
  • "Voided": indicates that the tax was initially committed in the external system but has been canceled. If you use Avalara, the transaction is no longer included in reports and returns.
External Tax Status Last Updated A The date and time when the External Tax Status field was last updated.
External Tax Transaction ID A The unique identifier of the transaction that represents the invoice in the external tax calculation system.
Foreign Credit Invoice   The credit invoice number in the accounting system.
Invoicing   The original invoice that the credit invoice is being raised against. Automatically populated when you create the credit invoice by crediting or voiding an invoice.
Total Tax A The total amount of tax on the credit invoice.


Here is a description of the buttons available on the Credit Invoice object.

Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience

Button Name


Calculate Tax L Calculates tax for the credit invoice using the external tax calculation service. For more information, see Calculating Tax for a Credit Invoice Using Avalara AvaTax.
Cancel Tax L Cancels tax for the credit invoice in the external tax calculation system. For more information, see Canceling Tax for a Credit Invoice in Avalara AvaTax.
Commit Tax L Commits tax for the credit invoice in the external tax calculation system. For more information, see Posting and Committing Tax for a Credit Invoice in Avalara AvaTax.
Create Sales Credit Note L

Creates a sales note in Accounting from the credit invoice. For more information, see Creating a Sales Credit Note from a Single Credit Invoice.


You can only perform this action if the Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector is installed in your org.

Post Tax L Posts tax for the credit invoice to the external tax calculation system. For more information, see Posting and Committing Tax for a Credit Invoice in Avalara AvaTax.

OIM to BC Integration for Consolidated Invoicing

Here is a description of the fields and buttons added to the Credit Invoice object in Order and Inventory Management when the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing is set up.

Field Name   Description
Original Billing Document   Lookup to the billing document created for the credit invoice via the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing.
Billing Document Creation Status   Indicates whether the billing document was created successfully via the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing.
Billing Document Creation Errors   Errors that occurred when creating the billing document via the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing.
Consolidated Billing Document   The consolidated billing document associated with this credit invoice. The consolidated billing document is created after the credit invoice has been exported to Foundations as a billing document and then consolidated in Billing Central.
Billing Document Status   The status of the billing document associated with this credit invoice. If the associated billing document has already been consolidated, this field displays the status of the consolidated billing document.

Credit Invoice Line

Here is a description of the fields on the Order and Inventory Management Credit Invoice Line object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only; A - Automatically populated when you calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax.

Field Name   Description
Amount   Amount of the credit.
Credit Invoice   The credit invoice this credit invoice line belongs to.
Customer Return Line   The customer return line this credit invoice line is being raised against.
Editable Credit Invoice Line Name   For system use. Used to enable the Foundations Transform service to edit the record.
Invoice Line Item   Lookup to the invoice line item associated with this credit invoice line.
Item   A description of the line item amount on the invoice line item associated with this credit invoice. This is valid only for non-item related lines.
Quantity   The quantity of items credited.
Tax A The total tax value for the line.
Tax Name 1-3 A The name of the tax used when calculating tax for the credit invoice line. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.
Tax Rate A The total tax rate to use when calculating tax for the credit invoice line.
Tax Rate 1-3 A The tax rate to use when calculating tax for the credit invoice line. This enables you to view a breakdown of the tax rates applied per jurisdiction.
Tax Value 1-3 A The tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate. This enables you to view a breakdown of the calculated tax values per jurisdiction.

OIM to BC Integration for Consolidated Invoicing

Here is a description of the fields added to the Credit Invoice Line object in Order and Inventory Management when the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing is set up.

Field Name   Description
Billing Document Line   Lookup to the billing document line item created for the credit invoice line via the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing.
Billing Document Line Creation Status   Indicates whether the billing document line item was created successfully via the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing.
Billing Document Line Creation Errors   Errors that occurred when creating the billing document line item via the OIM to BC integration for Consolidated Invoicing.

Extension Packages That Add Fields to the Credit Invoice Object

Several Certinia extension packages add fields and buttons to the Credit Invoice object. For more information, follow the relevant links.

Extension Packages

Extension Package

Further Information

Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector Credit Invoice Fields
Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara Credit Invoice Fields