Reviewing an Invoice

ERP Cloud

In most cases, invoices are automatically generated when a sales order is approved so that you do not need to create them manually. However, only item lines are considered and included in the generated invoices. If you want to invoice drop ship lines or lines for intangible items (such as accounting lines), you will need to use the Review Invoice action available on the sales order.

If partial invoicing is disabled for the sales order, the invoice lines that you include with the Review Invoice action are added to the existing sales order invoice. If partial invoicing is enabled, a new invoice record is created each time you add lines with the Review Invoice action. You can enable or disable partial invoicing for a sales order by using the Partial Invoicing field. For more information, see Sales Order Fields.

To review an invoice in Lightning:

  1. Click the Sales Orders tab.
  2. Open the sales order you want to review the invoice for.
  3. In the Sales Order Actions component, click Review Invoice.
  4. Work through the steps described below on the Review Invoice window.

You can only use the Review Invoice action on a sales order when the sales order's status is "Approved" or "DS Approved". If you cannot see the Review Invoice action on the Sales Order page, contact your administrator.

Step 1: Select the Sales Order Lines to Be Billed

This step enables you to select the sales order lines that you want to include in the invoice.


Only non-accounting sales order lines are displayed at this point. If you only want to bill accounting sales order lines, skip the instructions below and click Next in the Review Invoice window to go to the next step.

  1. In the table, select the checkbox next to each sales order line that you want to bill.
  2. Make sure that all selected lines have a quantity in the Quantity to Bill field and that this quantity is correct.
  3. Click Next. If there are lines that have not been shipped yet, you are prompted to confirm the action. Click Confirm to continue.
  • Use the filter and the search box above the table to help you find the lines you are looking for.
  • To show only the lines you've selected, click Show Selected. Once your selected lines are the only ones displayed, click Back to Results to show all lines again.

Step 2: Add Serial Numbers

In this step you can add serial numbers to the drop ship lines with serialized items that you selected in the previous step.


If you don't need to add any serial numbers, skip the instructions below and click Next to go to the next step.

  1. Click Add Serial Numbers on the first row.
  2. In the Add Serial Numbers window that opens, enter the serial numbers in the corresponding text area. Specify each serial number on a separate line. Alternatively, you can separate the serial number values with a delimiter (such as a comma or a semicolon), and without spaces, and then indicate the delimiter you are using in the field below.
  3. [Optional] Enter a delimiter.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the rest of the sales order line items.
  6. Click Next.

Use the search box above the table to help you find the lines you are looking for.

Step 3: Select the Accounting Lines to Be Billed

This step enables you to include accounting lines in the invoice.


If you don't need to bill any accounting sales order lines, skip the instructions below and click Next to go to the next step.

  1. In the table, select the checkbox next to each unbilled accounting line that you want to include in the invoice. If you need to add new accounting lines or delete existing unbilled accounting lines, make sure that you do this before moving to the next step. For more information on how to add or delete accounting lines at this stage, see Adding a New Accounting Line and Deleting an Accounting Line.
  2. Click Next.
  • Use the search box above the table to help you find the lines you are looking for. Also, you can use the filter to filter by unbilled or billed lines. This way you can check if there are any billed accounting lines associated with the invoice.
  • To show only the lines you've selected, click Show Selected. Once your selected lines are the only ones displayed, click Back to Results to show all lines again.

Adding a New Accounting Line

To add a new line while you are in Step 3:

  1. Click New Accounting Line.
  2. [Optional] In the Item Master field, select the item you are adding the line for.
  3. In the Quantity to Bill field, check that the value is correct. This field has a default value of 1 which you can modify if required.
  4. In the Price field, enter the price for the accounting line.
  5. Click Save.

The new accounting lines that your add are automatically selected for billing. If you don't want to include a line in the invoice, deselect the checkbox next to it before continuing.

Deleting an Accounting Line

To delete a line while you are in Step 3:

  1. Click on the accounting line you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. In the Delete Sales Order Line Item dialog, click Delete.

You can only delete unbilled accounting lines.

Step 4: Add Additional Information

In this step you can modify some of the billing information fields that the invoice automatically gets from the sales order by default. You can also add some additional information such as a discount or an invoice memo.


Complete only the fields that you require. If you don't need to override or add any information, skip the instructions below and click Bill to finish the process.

  1. In the Billing Account field, override the current billing account by entering a new account.
  2. In the Billing Account Address field, override the current billing account address by entering a new address.
  3. In the Apply Discount field, enter a discount amount.
  4. In the Memo field, include any notes you want to associate with the invoice.
  5. Click Bill.
  • The amount you enter in the Apply Discount field must be zero or greater than zero.
  • If there is no billing address already associated with the invoice and you leave the Billing Account Address field blank, you will create an invoice without billing address information. To specify a billing address, make sure you enter a billing account address before clicking Bill, or enter a billing address for the account in the sales order's Customer Site Sold To field.
  • If Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector is installed in your org, a sales invoice might be automatically created from the invoice. For more information, see OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices.