Inspecting Items

ERP Cloud

When a receipt is created for a returned item or for an item that requires inspection, an entry shows on the Inspection tab of Action Queues so that you can carry out the inspection of the item units.

To inspect items:

  1. Click the Inspection tab. This tab belongs to the Action Queues app and you can search for it using the App Launcher.
  2. Work through the steps described below.

Step 1: Use the Inspect Items Subtab to Specify the Accepted and Rejected Quantities for Each Item

To specify the quantities that you want to reject or accept for items requiring inspection:

  1. Click the Inspect Items subtab.
  2. In the Accepted column, enter the quantity to be accepted for each item that you are inspecting.
  3. Click Save.
  4. To reject a quantity of any of the items, do the following:
    1. Click in the Non-Conforming Material column for the item that you want to reject a quantity for.
    2. In the Description of Problem field, enter a description of the problem that is affecting the item quantity that you want to reject.
    3. In the Reason for Rejection field, enter the reason why you are rejecting the item units.
    4. In the Defect Found In field, select the option that corresponds to where the defect was first noticed.
    5. In the Quantity Rejected field, enter the quantity to be rejected.
    6. In the Disposition section, select the disposition checkbox that you require. You can only select one checkbox. For more information, see Non-Conforming Material Fields.
    7. In the Disposition Instruction / Justification field, enter the instruction or justification for the disposition of the item quantity that you are rejecting.
    8. [Optional] Complete the rest of the fields. For more information, see Non-Conforming Material Fields.
    9. Click Save. A new non-confirming material record is created.
    10. Refresh the page so that the Rejected column updates to reflect the rejected quantity. If there is no remaining quantity to inspect, the receiving inspection row is moved to the Complete Inspection subtab.
  5. [Optional] If any of the items that you rejected a quantity for is an item with inbound/outbound serial number control, select the inbound/outbound serial numbers that correspond to the rejected item units as follows:
    1. In the Inbound/Outbound Serial No. column for the receiving inspection of the item with inbound/outbound serial number control, click Edit..
    2. In the Select Serial Numbers for the Rejected Items section, move serial numbers to the Accepted or Rejected Serial Number list depending on whether you are accepting or rejecting the serial numbers. To do this, select the serial numbers and then click the arrow to move them to the corresponding list. There must be a rejected serial number per rejected item unit.
      Tip: Use the search box to search both lists and find the serial numbers you are looking for.
    3. Click Save. Rejected serial numbers are marked as rejected once you save your changes.
  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns. For example, you can search by receiving inspection number or item. You can also right-click a column header to show a menu with options to sort and hide columns, and use drag-and-drop to reorder columns and rows.
  • To discard the changes that you have made in the grid, click Cancel.
  • If a receiving inspection row shows a warning icon, hover over the icon to see the warning message.
Note: A receiving inspection record is listed on the Inspect Items subtab while it has a remaining quantity to inspect.

In the Inspect Items subtab you can partially inspect the received quantity of an item and save your changes to continue with the inspection later. You can return to the subtab as many times as you need to inspect the remaining item units. Each time you save your changes, the Remaining column updates with the remaining quantity to inspect for each item. When a receiving inspection record has no remaining quantity to inspect, it is no longer listed in the Inspect Items subtab and displays instead in the Complete Inspection subtab. At this point, you must switch to the Complete Inspection subtab and complete the inspection as indicated in the next step.

Step 2: Use the Complete Inspection Subtab to Confirm You Have Completed the Inspections

To confirm you have completed the inspection of items:

  1. Click the Complete Inspection subtab.
  2. Select the receiving inspections that you want to complete.
  3. If any of the selected receiving inspections is for an item with inbound/outbound serial number control and it has a rejected quantity, you must select the inbound/outbound serial numbers that correspond to the rejected and accepted item units.
    Note: You can skip this step if none of the items has inbound/outbound serial number control, or if you already confirmed all the inbound/outbound serial numbers for the inspected item in the Inspect Items subtab as indicated in Step 1: Use the Inspect Items Subtab to Specify the Accepted and Rejected Quantities for Each Item.

    To select the accepted and rejected serial numbers: 
    1. In the Inbound/Outbound Serial No. column for the receiving inspection, click Edit..
    2. In the Select Serial Numbers for the Rejected Items section, move serial numbers to the Accepted or Rejected Serial Number list depending on whether you are accepting or rejecting the serial numbers. To do this, select the serial numbers and then click the arrow to move them to the corresponding list. There must be a rejected serial number per rejected item unit and an accepted serial number per accepted item unit.
      Tip: Use the search box to search both lists and find the serial numbers you are looking for.
    3. Click Save. Rejected serial numbers are marked as rejected once you save your changes.
  1. Click Complete.
  2. In the Stamp Number field, enter your stamp numberClosed.
  3. Click Complete.
  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns. For example, you can search by receiving inspection number or item. You can also right-click a column header to show a menu with options to sort and hide columns, and use drag-and-drop to reorder columns and rows.
  • To show only the receiving inspections that you've selected, click Show Selected. To show all receiving inspections again, click Back to Results.
  • If a receiving inspection row shows a warning or error icon, hover over the icon to see the corresponding message.

Once you click Complete on the Complete Inspection subtab, your changes are definite and the inspection is considered to be completed.

Considerations When Using the Inbound/Outbound Serial No. Column

  • The Inbound/Outbound Serial No. column displays a counter that indicates how many serial numbers out of the total of inbound/outbound serial numbers associated with the inspected item are already included in the correct list. Note that serial numbers for accepted quantities or remaining to inspect quantities are included in the Accepted Serial Numbers list by default. The counter automatically updates any time you modify the lists of accepted and rejected serial numbers. For example, if the counter shows a value of 8/10, this means eight serial numbers out of the total of ten are already included in the correct list, whether this is the Accepted Serial Number list or the Rejected Serial Number list. This indicates that there are two serial numbers that you haven't moved yet to the correct list.
  • If the number of accepted and rejected serial numbers does not match the accepted and rejected item quantities, one of the following icons might display on the receiving inspection row:
    • Warning Icon - This warning icon might display when working in either of the subtabs, the Inspect Items subtab or the Complete Inspection subtab. If you hover over the icon, the corresponding warning message displays. In the Inspect Items subtab, the icon displays only when there's a mismatch between the number of rejected serial numbers and the rejected quantity. As serial numbers for remaining to inspect quantities are included in the Accepted Serial Numbers list by default and you might not inspect an item's total quantity in one go, you are only warned of mismatches between rejected serial numbers and rejected quantities. In the Complete Inspection subtab, the icon displays if either the number of accepted or rejected serial numbers does not match its respective quantity.
    • - This error icon displays in the Complete Inspection subtab when you click Complete while there are still mismatches between the number of accepted and rejected serial numbers and their respective quantities. If you hover over the icon, the corresponding error message displays.
  • If the Inbound/Outbound Serial No. column is grayed out, this indicates it is disabled. This column will be disabled for inspections where the items have no inbound/outbound serial number control.
  • If the total quantity for an item with inbound/outbound serial number control is accepted, the Inbound/Outbound Serial No. column shows a check mark to indicate that all serial numbers associated with the item were automatically accepted.