Non-Conforming Material Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields on a non-conforming material record.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Accept for Deviation  

If selected, the rejected quantity is considered part of the item's inventory. Once you complete the related receiving inspection, a new inventory position is created for this quantity and listed in the item's Available Inventory page. This inventory position will reflect the condition specified in the Condition field of the non-confirming material record and will be marked as available. The item quantity will also show in the Action Queues Put Away Inventory tab so that it can be put away to its destination location.

Note: If you select the Accept for Deviation checkbox you must specify a condition in the Condition field.
Condition   Lookup to the condition code of the item to which the non-conforming material record relates.
Defect Found In * Where the defect was first noticed.
Description of Problem * A description of the problem that is affecting the item quantity that you want to reject.
Disposition Instruction / Justification * The instruction or justification for the disposition of the rejected item quantity.
Hold Pending Additional Review  

If selected, the related inspection is placed on hold and you are prevented from completing it. If you attempt to complete a receiving inspection while it has an associated non-conforming material record for which this checkbox has been selected, you will receive an error message.

Item Being Rejected R The item that is being rejected. The value for this field is taken from the related receiving inspection record.
Item Description R The description of the item being rejected. The value for this field is taken from the related receiving inspection record.
Lot Number R The lot number of the item for which the quantity is rejected. The value for this field is taken from the related receiving inspection record.
Non-Conformance Type R The record type of the non-conforming material.
Non-Conforming Material Number   Automatically generated number for the non-conforming material record. This is a unique ID number that is generated with a format of DR-{0000000}.
Quantity Rejected * The quantity of the inspected item that is being rejected.
Reason for Rejection   The reason why the item quantity is being rejected.
Received Quantity R The item quantity that was originally received. The value for this field is taken from the related receiving inspection record.
Receiving Inspection Record   Lookup to the receiving inspection to which this non-conformance material record relates.
Receiving Inspection Status   The status of the receiving inspection to which this non-conforming material record relates.
Remaining Quantity   The remaining quantity to inspect on the related receiving inspection.
Return to Vendor (RTV)   If selected, the rejected quantity is removed from the item's available inventory because you intend to return it to the vendor.
Scrap   If selected, the rejected quantity is scrapped and removed from the item's available inventory.
Serial Number R The serial number of the item for which the quantity is rejected. The value for this field is taken from the related receiving inspection record.
Sort Rework   If selected, you are prevented from completing the related inspection. If you attempt to complete a receiving inspection while it has an associated non-conforming material record for which this checkbox has been selected, you will receive an error message.
Stamp Number   Unique stamp number assigned to you that is required to confirm and complete an inspection.
Total Quantity Accepted   The total item quantity that has been accepted in the inspection. The value for this field is taken from the related receiving inspection record.
Total Quantity Rejected   The total item quantity that has been rejected in the inspection. The value for this field is taken from the related receiving inspection record.
Use as is  

If selected, the rejected quantity is considered part of the item's inventory. Once you complete the related receiving inspection, a new inventory position is created for this quantity and listed in the item's Available Inventory page. This inventory position will reflect the condition specified in the Condition field of the non-confirming material record and will be marked as available. The item quantity will also show in the Action Queues Put Away Inventory tab so that it can be put away to its destination location. Use this checkbox for item quantities that can be used although they are non-conforming.

Note: If you select the Use as is checkbox you must specify a condition in the Condition field.