Deprecated Elements

You can find here a summary of the elements deprecated in Order and Inventory Management over time.


Unless these elements contain data that your organization relies on, we recommend that you do the following:

  • In the case of removed elements, remove them from your org.
  • In the case of deprecated elements, remove them from your layouts or restrict their access.
Warning: If Service Contracts or Advanced Quoting is also to be installed on your org and you are not upgrading from Order and Inventory Management version 6.4.2, Order and Inventory Management version 6.4.2 must be installed first and upgraded to Summer 2024 so that the changes to these elements are applied to your org correctly.


Key: R – Removed from package

Deprecated Objects in Order and Inventory Management
Object API Name


Object Label

Deprecated Object Label

When Was This Deprecated?

ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLine__c. R Return Material Authorization Line - Before Fall 2020
Return_Material_Authorization__c R Return Material Authorization - Before Fall 2020
Contact R Contact - Before Fall 2020
AssistantProgress R Assistant Progress - Before Fall 2020
ExchangeUserMapping R Exchange User Mapping - Before Fall 2020
ForecastingCategoryMapping R Forecasting Category Mapping - Before Fall 2020
MacroAction R Macro Action - Before Fall 2020
MacroInstruction R Macro Instruction - Before Fall 2020
Site R Site - Before Fall 2020
Billing_Cycle__c R Billing Cycle - Before Fall 2020
ILSMART_Listing__c   LSMART Listing DEPRECATED: ILSMART Listing Fall 2020


Key: R – Removed from package

Deprecated Fields in Order and Inventory Management

Object API Name

Object Label Deprecated Field API Name


Deprecated Field Label

When Was This Deprecated?

Account Account MirrorName__c R - Before Fall 2020
AP_Voucher__c AP Voucher Supplier__c   DEPRECATED Supplier Before Fall 2020
AP_Voucher_Line AP Voucher Line SCMC__Purchase_Price_Variance__c   Deprecated Purchase Price Variance Before Fall 2020
Change_Request__c Change Request New_Contract_Term_Formula__c   Deprecated New Contract Term Before Fall 2020
Change_Request__c Change Request New_Contract_Value_Formula__c   Deprecated New Contract Value Before Fall 2020
Change_Request__c Change Request New_RC_Percent_Discounted__c   Deprecated New RC Percent Discounted Before Fall 2020
Change_Request__c Change Request New_Service_Term_Formula__c   Deprecated New Service Term Before Fall 2020
Change_Request__c Change Request New_Total_Quantity__c   Deprecated New Total Quantity Before Fall 2020
Change_Request__c Change Request RC_Percent_Discounted__c   Deprecated RC Percent Discounted Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line NewTotalFirstRCTermCostFormula__c   Deprecated New Total First RC Term Cost Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line NewTotalFirstTermRCContractValueFormula__c   Deprecated New Total First Term RC CV Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line NewTotalLastRCTermCostFormula__c   Deprecated New Total Last RC Term Cost Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line NewTotalLastTermRCContractValueFormula__c   Deprecated The New Total Last Term RC CV Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line New_NRC_Price_Formula__c   Managed - Installed Deprecated New NRC Fees Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line NRC_Price_Formula__c   Deprecated NRC Fees Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line NRC_With_Options_After_Discounts__c   Deprecated NRC w/Options After Discounts Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line TotalFirstRCTermCostFormula__c   Deprecated Total First RC Term Cost Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line TotalFirstTermRCContractValueFormula__c   Deprecated Total First Term RC CV Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line TotalLastRCTermCostFormula__c   Deprecated Total Last RC Term Cost Before Fall 2020
Change_Request_Line__c Change Request Line TotalLastTermRCContractValueFormula__c   Deprecated Total Last Term RC CV Before Fall 2020
Currency_Master__c Currency Master Conversion_Rate__c   Deprecated Conversion Rate Before Fall 2020
Currency_Master__c Currency Master Conversion_rate_last_set_date__c   Deprecated Conversion rate last set date Before Fall 2020
Currency_Master__c Currency Master Curr_Conversion_Rate__c   Deprecated Conversion Rate Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation__c Customer Quotation Requestor_Comments__c   Deprecated Requestor Comments Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation__c Customer Quotation Trade_Terms__c   Deprecated Trade Terms Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation_Line__c Customer Quotation Line Internal_Sell_Price_With_Options__c   Deprecated Internal Sell Price W/Options Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation_Line__c Customer Quotation Line Item_Cost_With_Options__c   Deprecated Item Cost W/Options Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation_Line__c Customer Quotation Line List_Price_With_Options__c   Deprecated List Price W/Options Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation_Line__c Customer Quotation Line Obsolete_Manufacturer__c   Deprecated Manufacturer Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation_Line__c Customer Quotation Line Over_All_Revenue__c   Deprecated Over All Revenue Before Fall 2020
Customer_Quotation_Line__c Customer Quotation Line Supplier_Catalog__c   Deprecated Supplier Catalog Overridden Before Fall 2020
Customer_Return__c Customer Return Value_of_Customer_Credit_Minus_NC_Items__c R - Before Fall 2020
Customer_Return__c Customer Return Actual_Value_of_Return_Items__c   DEPRECATED: Actual Value of Return Items Before Fall 2020
Customer_Return_Line__c Customer Return Line Total_Serial_Numbers__c R - Before Fall 2020
Customer_Return_Line__c Customer Return Line Already_Returned__c   DEPRECATED: Already Returned Before Fall 2020
Invoicing__c Invoicing Memo__c   Deprecated Memo Before Fall 2020
Invoicing__c Invoicing Terms__c   Deprecated Terms Before Fall 2020
Invoice_Line_Item__c Invoice Line Item Serial_Number__c   Deprecated Serial Number Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Fixed_Order_Quantity__c   Deprecated Fixed Order Quantity Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Maximum_Order_Qty__c   Deprecated Maximum Order Qty Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Minimum__c   Deprecated Minimum Order Qty Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Reorder_Point_Control__c   Deprecated Reorder Point Control Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Reorder_Point_Level__c   Deprecated Reorder Point Level Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Safety_Stock__c   Deprecated Safety Stock Control Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Saftey_Stock_Level__c   Deprecated Safety Stock Level Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Option_Cost_Formula__c   Deprecated Option Item Cost Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Option_NRC_Formula__c   Deprecated Option NRC Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Option_Price__c   Deprecated Option Price Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Option_RC_Formula__c   Deprecated Option RC Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Override_NRC__c   Deprecated Override NRC Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Override_Option_Cost__c   Deprecated Option Item Cost Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Override_Price__c   Deprecated Price Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Override_RC__c   Deprecated RC Before Fall 2020
Item_Option__c Item Option Override_Reflect_Parent_Item_Quantity__c   Deprecated Reflect Parent Item Quantity Before Fall 2020
Option__c Option NRC__c   Deprecated NRC Before Fall 2020
Option__c Option Option_Cost__c   Deprecated Option Cost Before Fall 2020
Option__c Option Price__c   Deprecated Price Before Fall 2020
Option__c Option RC__c   Deprecated RC Before Fall 2020
Option__c Option Reflect_Parent_Item_Quantity__c   Deprecated Reflect Parent Item Quantity Before Fall 2020
Purchase_Order__c Purchase Order Currency__c   Deprecated Currency Before Fall 2020
Purchase_Order_Line_Item__c Purchase Order Line Item Tax_Code__c   DEPRECATED Tax Code Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship_City__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship City Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship_Country__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship Country Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship_Line1__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship Line 1 Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship_Line2__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship Line 2 Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship_Name__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship Name Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship_State_Province__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship State / Province Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship_Zip_Postal_Code__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship Zip / Postal Code Before Fall 2020
Sales_Order_Line_Item__c Sales Order Line Item Drop_Ship__c   DEPRECATED Drop Ship? Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract NRC_Invoice__c   Deprecated NRC Invoice Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract Original_Service_Term_Cost_Formula__c   Deprecated Original Service Term Cost Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract Remain_Contract_Value_Formula__c   Deprecated Remaining Contract Value Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract Total_Contact_Cost__c   Deprecated Total Contract Cost Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract Total_Contract_Value_After_Waived_Terms__c   Deprecated Agreement Value Waived Terms Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract Total_Contract_Value_Formula__c   Deprecated Total Contract Value Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract Total_Service_Order_Line_Quantity__c   Deprecated Total QTY Before Fall 2020
Service_Order__c Service Contract Waived_Term_Fees__c   Deprecated Waived Term Fees Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line NRC_Options_Summary__c   Deprecated NRC Options After Discounts Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line NRC_Options__c   Deprecated NRC Options Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line NRC_Price_Formula__c   Deprecated Original NRC Discounted Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line Original_NRC_Price_Formula__c   Deprecated Original NRC Discounted Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line Original_RC_Contract_Value__c   Deprecated Original RC Contract Value Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line Original_Total_Item_Value__c   Deprecated Original Total Item Value Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line RC_Option__c   Deprecated RC Option Before Fall 2020
Service_Order_Line__c Service Contract Line RC_Options_Summary__c   Deprecated RC Options After Discounts Before Fall 2020
Sourcing_to_Supplier_Association__c Supplier RFQ Potential_Supplier_Contact__c   Potential Supplier Contact DEPRECATED Before Fall 2020

Custom Setting Fields

Deprecated Custom Setting Fields in Order and Inventory Management
Custom Setting API Name Custom Setting Label Deprecated Field API Name Deprecated Field Label

When Was This Deprecated?

Admin_Settings__c Admin Settings Disable_All_Trigger_Logic__c Deprecated Disable All Trigger Logic Before Fall 2020
Form_Names__c Form Names Display_Addition_Info_On_Invoice_Form__c Deprecated Addition Info Field Before Fall 2020

Visualforce Components

Deprecated Visualforce Components in Order and Inventory Management
Visualforce Component Name Visualforce Component Label Visualforce Component Description

When Was This Deprecated?

jQueryInclude DEPRECATED: jQueryInclude This component is obsolete. Fall 2021

Workspace Components

Deprecated Workspace Components in Order and Inventory Management
Lightning Component Lightning Component Label Deprecated Lightning Component Label

When Was This Deprecated?

alertCommittedSpend Alert Committed Spend DEPRECATED: Alert Committed Spend Spring 2022
countApprovedRequisitionLines Approved Requisition Lines not placed on Purchase Orders DEPRECATED: Approved Requisition Lines not placed on Purchase Orders Spring 2022
countLatePurchaseOrderDeliveries Late Purchase Order Deliveries DEPRECATED: Late Purchase Order Deliveries Spring 2022
countPOAwaitingApproval Purchase Orders Awaiting Approval DEPRECATED: Purchase Orders Awaiting Approval Spring 2022
procurementWorkspaceNavigation Procurement Workspace Navigation DEPRECATED: Procurement Workspace Navigation Spring 2022
alertLateSalesOrders Late Sales Orders DEPRECATED: Late Sales Orders Spring 2022
countOpenCustomerReturns Open Customer Returns DEPRECATED: Open Customer Returns Spring 2022
countOpenSalesOrders Open Sales Orders DEPRECATED: Open Sales Orders Spring 2022
countSalesOrdersAwaitingApproval Sales Orders Awaiting Approval DEPRECATED: Sales Orders Awaiting Approval Spring 2022
orderFulfillmentWorkspaceNavigation Order Fulfillment Workspace Navigation DEPRECATED: Order Fulfillment Workspace Navigation Spring 2022

Web Links

Key: R – Removed from package

Deprecated Web Links in Order and Inventory Management
Object API Name Object Label Deprecated Web Link API Name


Deprecated Web Link Label

When Was This Deprecated?

Customer_Quotation_Line__c Customer Quotation Line Part_Statistics R - Before Fall 2020
Inventory_Position__c Inventory Position Check_ILS R - Before Fall 2020
Item__c Item Master Part_Statistics R - Before Fall 2020
Part_Statistics__c Part Statistics Close R - Before Fall 2020
Sourcing_Request_Line__c Sourcing Request Line Part_Statistics R - Before Fall 2020