Form Names

ERP Cloud

Use these fields in the Form Names custom setting to replace the forms in Order and Inventory Management with your own customized Visualforce pages. You can also choose whether certain information appears on the invoice and customer quotation PDF using these fields.

Custom Field Description
Certificate of Conformance Name of the Visualforce page to create the certificate of conformance.
Customer Exchange Receipt Name of the Visualforce page to create a customer exchange receipt.
Customer Packslip

Name of the Visualforce page used to create the pack slip for a customer. This pack slip is generated when clicking Print or Print Slip for a shipment from the Action Queues Shipping tab or when clicking Print Pack Slip from a shipment's detail page. The page used by default is PrintPackslip.

Note: You can also use this field to specify the Visualforce page to use for customer pack slips when working in Lightning Experience.
Customer Picklist

Name of the Visualforce page used to create a customer picklist. This picklist is generated when clicking Print or Print Slip for a picklist from the Action Queues Warehouse tab. The page used by default is PrintPicklist.

Note: You can also use this field to specify the Visualforce page to use for customer picklists when working in Lightning Experience.
Customer Quotation Name of the Visualforce page to use for a customer quotation.
Customer Quotation For Service Contract Name of the Visualforce page to create a customer quotation for a service contract.
Customer Quotation Summary Name of the Visualforce page to use for a customer quotation summary.
Customer Return Receipt Name of the Visualforce page to create a customer return receipt.
Cycle Count Worksheet Name of the Visualforce page to use for the cycle count worksheet.
Deprecated Addition Info Field This field is no longer used.
Display Additional Info On Invoice Form Indicates whether the serial number, lot number and credit invoice lines appear on the invoice PDFClosed.
Display Group Info On Quote Form Indicates whether group details are displayed on the customer quotation PDF.
Invoice Name of the Visualforce page to use for the invoice.
Invoice Summary Name of the Visualforce page to use for the invoice summary.
Location Indicates the user, profile or organization to which these custom fields apply. You can configure this custom setting for your entire organization, a profile or for a particular user.
Non Conformance Name of the Visualforce page to use for the non conformance form.
Production Order Picklist Name of the Visualforce page to use for a production order picklist.
Purchase Order Name of the Visualforce page to use for a purchase order.
Purchase Order Receipt Name of the Visualforce page to use for a purchase order receipt.
Report Logo Complete URLClosed of a logo to be displayed on all reports.
Sourcing Request Name of the Visualforce page to use for a sourcing request.
Supplier Packslip

Name of the Visualforce page used to create the pack slip for a supplier. This pack slip is generated when clicking Print or Print Slip for a shipment from the Action Queues Shipping tab or when clicking Print Pack Slip from a shipment's detail page. The page used by default is PrintPackslipSupplier.

Note: You can also use this field to specify the Visualforce page to use for supplier pack slips when working in Lightning Experience.
Supplier Picklist

Name of the Visualforce page used to create a supplier picklist. This picklist is generated when clicking Print or Print Slip for a picklist from the Action Queues Warehouse tab. The page used by default is PrintPicklistSupplier.

Note: You can also use this field to specify the Visualforce page to use for supplier picklists when working in Lightning Experience.
Transfer Packslip

Name of the Visualforce page used to create a transfer pack slip. This pack slip is generated when clicking Print or Print Slip for a shipment from the Action Queues Shipping tab or when clicking Print Pack Slip from a shipment's detail page. The page used by default is PrintPackslipTransfer.

Note: You can also use this field to specify the Visualforce page to use for transfer pack slips when working in Lightning Experience.
Transfer Picklist

Name of the Visualforce page used to create a transfer picklist. This picklist is generated when clicking Print or Print Slip for a picklist from the Action Queues Warehouse tab. The page used by default is PrintPicklistTransfer.

Note: You can also use this field to specify the Visualforce page to use for transfer picklists when working in Lightning Experience.
Transfer Receipt Name of the Visualforce page to use for a transfer receipt.
Transfer Request Name of the Visualforce page to use for a transfer request.