Organization Settings

ERP Cloud

Use these fields in the Organization Settings custom setting to change the behavior of Order and Inventory Management.

Custom Field Description
Ability to Add Carrier Information

Indicates whether you can add carrier Information to the Shipping tab in Action Queues.

Note: This field is only works in Classic and Lightning Visualforce pages.
Allow Manufactured Kit with no BOM Indicates whether you can create a production order for an item which is a valid manufactured kit, but has no BOMClosed.
Allow Over Receipt of PO Line If selected, users can create a receipt where the received quantity exceeds the original quantity on the related purchase order line item or the received amount exceeds the line item’s total cost. If the quantity or amount received is over the original quantity or total cost on the purchase order line item by more than the percentage in the Over Receipt Percent field, an error is displayed and the quantity or amount is not accepted. If selected and the Over Receipt Percent field does not contain a value, the quantity or amount received is accepted.
Allow Rebates on Customer Quotations Indicates whether rebates can be applied to customer quotations. When deselected, you are prevented from adding rebates to customer quotation lines and therefore cannot pass the rebate to the buyer.
Apply discount to first invoice Applies the total discount from the sales order to the first invoice.
AQ Display Record Count Number of items to display per page in the Action Queue tabs with the exception of the Put Away Inventory tab.
AQ Put Away Item Display Record Count

Number of items to display per page in the Put Away Inventory tab of the Action Queue.

Note: This field is only works in Classic and Lightning Visualforce pages.
Attach PDF To Parent Record Indicates whether the PDF is attached to parent records for customer quotations, purchase orders and invoices when the email is sent.
Auto Create Item Indicates whether new items are automatically created when you create a sales order from a quote and the item on the quote is not currently an item master.
Auto Create Service Contract Indicates whether a service contract is automatically created when creating a sales order from a customer quotation. To do this, the Service Contract package must be installed and the customer quotation line must have service terms. You can auto create a service contract from inventory, drop ship, flex and service contract type quotes.
Auto Place PO Indicates whether catalog is searched whenever a requisition line is approved. If an entry is found, it is placed on a purchase order. When this occurs, the supplier is selected based on the preferred supplier in a catalogue connected to the item master. One purchase order per supplier is created.
Company Logo URL URLClosed of your company logo. This must begin with http://
Convert Lead To Account

Indicates whether to convert a lead to an account for a sales order.

Warning: Avoid duplicating account records while this option is selected
CustomerQuotation_Field_Id This field is no longer used.
CustomerQuotationLine_Field_Id This field is no longer used.
Default Number of Days till Quote Expire The default number of days after the original quote date on which quote is to expire.
Do Not Allow Partial Invoicing Indicates whether partial invoicing is prevented. When selected, multiple shipments are added to a single existing open invoice. When cleared, each shipment generates its own invoice.
Do Not Credit Line Details On Invoice Indicates whether the credits for an invoice line are displayed on an invoice.
Maximum Item Length Maximum number of characters allowed in item names. The maximum value is 80.
Notification Email Email address of the user who is to receive notification emails from Order and Inventory Management.
Number of Decimal Digits Indicates the number of decimal digits required for unit amount fields. Unit amount fields are all defined with 9 decimal digits but this setting enables you to limit that number.
Opportunity Rollup Quote Line Field Field on the customer quotation line to be used to roll up revenue to the opportunity revenue fields. When blank, no roll-up occurs. You must enter the full APIClosed name. For example: SCMC__Customer_Price__c.
Over Receipt Percent When Allow Over Receipt of PO Line is selected, this is the percentage of the purchase order quantity or total cost above which you can create a purchase order receipt.
Partial Shipments Indicates whether your organization allows partial shipments. Clear this checkbox if you hold sales orders until you have all items available for shipment.
Payment Terms Allow Match Before Receipt Allows buyers to define which of their payment terms are to be used to indicate that an AP voucher can be matched before a receipt for it's associated purchase order has been created and confirmed. You can specify multiple payment terms in this field so that you don't have to change the payment term in your organization settings for each purchase order you want to match before receipt. When you associate a PO Payment Term with the Payment Terms Allow Match Before Receipt custom setting you must enter the Terms Name in the custom setting text box exactly as it appears in the Terms Name field in the PO Payment Terms Detail section. If you want to specify multiple payment terms in the custom setting, use a comma as the delimiter.
Prioritize Sales & Production Backorders If selected, and a purchase order that was created from a sales order line or production order line is received, backorders associated with those lines are filled. If the inventory position has been created by a production order and this production order is related to a sales order line, this inventory position will resolve the backorder related to this sales order line. When cleared, backorders are filled by Fill Order and Required Date.
Resolve Backorders Post Reverse Allocate When checked, the system will attempt to resolve backorders automatically whenever items are made available after a Reverse Allocate.
Set Sales Order Owner Indicates whether the sales order is always owned by the primary sales representative on the account if there is one.
Show Bill Of Materials Details Indicates whether bill of material details appears for virtual kits on invoices and quote print forms.
Show Manufacturer Details Indicates whether manufacturer data is displayed on pages throughout Order and Inventory Management where manufacturer data is in use.
Show Ownership Tag Indicates whether Ownership data is displayed on pages throughout Order and Inventory Management where an Ownership Code is in use.
Turn on Rebates Indicates whether the rebates functionality is turned on. You can turn off rebates if you need to lower the load on Salesforce resources for drop ship and inventory customer quotations.
Track Purchase Price Variance (PPV) Indicates whether Order and Inventory Management transactions are created when a purchase price variance exists on an AP voucher.