Manage Expenses to Approve Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons on the Manage Expense Reports to Approve page.


The columns that appear on this page depend on the Expense Report Approval Columns field set in the Expense Report object. For further information, see Expense Settings.

Filter Approval Requests

* – Mandatory.
R – Read-only.
M – Milestone drop-down list only available when you select a project.

Field   Description
Project/Assignment   Project or assignment to filter the displayed expense report approval requests on.
Resource   Resource on which to filter expense report approval requests.
Milestone M Milestone on which to filter expense report approval requests. The Milestone drop-down list only lists milestones for the project you chose in the Project / Assignment drop-down list.
Billable   Billable status on which to filter expense report approval requests.


Button Description
Filter Filters the expense report approval requests depending on the criteria you choose in the Filter Approval Requests section.
List All Lists all the expense report approval requests.

Expense Report

Key: R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Expense Report R Name of the expense report to which the expense approval request relates.
Information Icon R Shows the fields that your administrator has configured to display when you hover over the icon.
Project R Project to which the expense report approval request relates
Assignment R Assignment to which the expense report approval request relates.
Resource R Resource to which the expense report approval request applies.
Milestone R Milestone to which the expense report approval request relates
Billable R Indicates whether the expense report is chargeable to the customer.
First Expense Date R Date of the first expense in the expense report.
Last Expense Date R Date of the last expense in the expense report
Total Billable Amount R Total billable amount for all expenses in the expense report.
Total Non-Billable Amount R Total non-billable amount for all expenses in the expense report.
Number of Expense Lines R Total number of expenses in the expense report.
Comments   Comments to be sent to the resource when you approve or reject the selected expense reports.


Button Description
Checkbox Indicates whether the expense report is to be included in the action when you click Approve or Reject. To select all expense reports for approval or rejection, select the checkbox in the heading line.
First Displays the first page of expense report approval requests.
Previous Displays the previous page of expense report approval requests.
Next Displays the next page of expense report approval requests.
Last Displays the last page of expense report approval requests.
Approve Approves the timecards for the selected expense report approval requests.
Reject Rejects the timecards for the selected expense report approval requests.


Manage Expense Reports to Approve Fields and Buttons in the PSA Mobile Application


Buttons are the same for Expense Reports to Approve and Timecards to Approve tabs of the PSA Mobile application. Here is the description of the buttons.


Button Description
Approve Approves the selected expense report approval requests.
Close Enables to go back to the previous page.
Filter Displays the Filter panel that allows you to filter the expense reports in the list view.
Reject Rejects the selected expense report approval requests.
Reassign Reassigns the selected expense report approval requests to another user. Allows you to select the user. The Reassign button is visible in the button bar when Allow Reassign is checked in the LAB properties.
Select Enables to select one or more records in the list view. When tapped, checkboxes appear with the records to select the desired records to approve, reject, or reassign.
Sort Displays the Sort panel that allows you to sort the expense reports in the list view.


The following default fields are displayed on detail views of Expense Report Approval Requests. To view more fields on the detail view, contact your administrator to update the field set name in the Detail View Field Set API Name LAB property.

Note: All fields are read-only.


L- Indicates the default fields displayed on the list view, Filter panel, and Sort panel. To view more fields, contact your administrator to update the field set name in the List View Field Set API Name and Filter Field Set API Name LAB properties.

For more information, see Mass Approval Mobile Lightning Component Properties.


Field   Description
Expense Report Name   Name of the expense report to which the expense approval request relates.
Project L Project to which the expense report approval request relates.
Assignment   Assignment to which the expense report approval request relates.
Resource L Resource to which the expense report approval request applies.
Billable   Indicates whether the expense report is chargeable to the customer.
First Expense Date   Date of the first expense in the expense report.
Last Expense Date   Date of the last expense in the expense report.
Total Billable Amount L Total billable amount for all expenses in the expense report.
Total Non-Billable Amount L Total non-billable amount for all expenses in the expense report.