Revenue Forecast Staging Fields


This object is for system use only.

The Revenue Forecast Staging object includes the following fields.

Revenue Forecast Staging Fields
Field Description
Actual Hours The number of actual hours included in the relevant % Complete revenue forecast calculation for this month.
Actual Weighted Effort

The weighted effort associated with actual hours for a given monthly time period. This field contains the value returned after weighting has been applied to the value in the Actual Hours field on the relevant revenue forecast record. The unit of measurement used for the value in this field depends on the field you are using to base your weighting on. For example, if you have specified pse__Average_Cost_Rate_Number__c in the RR % Complete Weighting Field on the active revenue forecast setup record, this field will contain a weighted monetary value, such as a dollar value.


This field is only relevant if you are using the Weighting feature for % Complete monthly revenue forecast calculations. For more information on setting up the Weighting feature, see Applying Weighting (% Complete Revenue).

Milestone A lookup to the milestone the relevant revenue forecast relates to.
Project Lookup to the project the relevant revenue forecast relates to.
Revenue Pending Recognition Revenue that is ready for recognition on the relevant revenue forecast.
Revenue Recognized to Date Revenue that has already been recognized on the relevant revenue forecast within the relevant time period. This field is populated using data from Revenue Management, if you are using the integration between PSA and Revenue Management.
Revenue Source Indicates the source of the revenue for this record:
  • % Complete: Milestone
  • % Complete: Project
  • Deliverable: EVA
  • Deliverable: Expense
  • Deliverable: Milestone
  • Deliverable: Miscellaneous Adjustment
  • Deliverable: Resource Request
  • Deliverable: Timecard
  • Equal Split: Milestone
  • Equal Split: Project
  • Opportunity
Revenue Type

Indicates whether the values in this record apply to actual revenue or forecast revenue:

  • Actuals
  • Forecast

The following revenue sources apply to actual revenue:

  • % Complete: Milestone
  • % Complete: Project
  • Deliverable: Expense
  • Deliverable: Milestone
  • Deliverable: Miscellaneous Adjustment
  • Deliverable: Timecard
  • Equal Split: Milestone
  • Equal Split: Project

The following revenue sources apply to forecast revenue:

  • % Complete: Milestone
  • % Complete: Project
  • Deliverable: EVA
  • Deliverable: Milestone
  • Deliverable: Resource Request
  • Equal Split: Milestone
  • Equal Split: Project
  • Opportunity
Scheduled Hours The number of scheduled hours included in the relevant % Complete revenue forecast calculation for this month.
Scheduled Revenue Revenue that is scheduled for recognition on the relevant revenue forecast.
Scheduled Weighted Effort

The weighted effort associated with scheduled hours for a given monthly time period. This field contains the value returned after weighting has been applied to the value in the Scheduled Hours field on the relevant revenue forecast record. The unit of measurement used for the value in this field depends on the field you are using to base your weighting on. For example, if you have specified pse__Cost_Rate_Amount__c in the Assignment % Complete Weighting Field on the active revenue forecast setup record, this field will contain a weighted monetary value, such as a dollar value.


This field is only relevant if you are using the Weighting feature for % Complete monthly revenue forecast calculations. For more information on setting up the Weighting feature, see Applying Weighting (% Complete Revenue).

Time Period A lookup to the time period the relevant revenue forecast relates to.
Unscheduled Hours The number of unscheduled hours included in the relevant % Complete revenue forecast calculation for this month.
Unscheduled Revenue

Revenue that is currently unscheduled.