Resource Optimizer Buttons and Fields

Professional Services Cloud

Some of these fields may not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Resource Optimizer Buttons

Button Description
Assign Selected

Assigns the selected resource requests to matched resources. These resource requests are assigned and removed from the grid.


A maximum of 200 assignments are created when you click Assign Selected.

When an assignment is successfully created, the following fields are updated on the resource request:

  • Resource is updated with the assigned resource.
  • Assignment is updated with the assignment name.
  • Status is updated to "Assigned".
  • Preferred Schedule is updated with the created schedule.
Assign Confirms assignment of resource requests to matched resources.
Cancel Cancels assignment of resource requests to matched resources.
Hold Selected Button to hold a resource against a resource request.
Match Resources Matches resources to open resource requests on a project. See Using Resource Optimizer.

Resource Request Action



View Schedule Displays the matched resource's schedule. See Using Resource Optimizer.

Resource Optimizer Fields

Field Description
Opportunity Lookup to select a project.
Project Lookup to select a project.
Region Lookup to select a region.

Resource Requests Grid Fields

Field Description
Account Account specified on the resource request.
Days Overrun Number of calendar days overrun for the resource request when the proposed schedule of work is beyond the resource request's end date. For example, a resource request's end date is Wednesday 28th July, and the proposed schedule of work end date is Friday 30th July. The Days Overrun value is 2.

Where there are no days overrun, this field is blank.

End Date End date specified on the resource request.
Matched Resource

Name of the matched resource who is allocated to a resource request when the matching process has completed. This column is initially blank when the Resource Optimizer page is first opened, and is then populated with the names of resources who match resource requests when the matching process has completed.


This column is blank when no resources match the essential criteria or minimum skills requirements.

Project Project specified on the resource request.
Requested Hours Requested amount of hours for the resource as specified on the resource request.
Resource Request Id Unique PSA generated identifier for the resource request record.
Resource Role Requested role for the resource as specified on the resource request.
Start Date Start date specified on the resource request.
Status Status of the resource request. For example, Draft, or Ready to Staff.
Suggested Resource Name of a specific resource who has been suggested on the resource request.