Resource Optimizer for Resource Requests

Professional Services Cloud

A common challenge for resource managers is matching a set of resources to a list of open resource requests. The Resource Optimizer aims to take some of the manual effort out of the search and assignment creation process, by providing a means of automatically matching resources to a list of open requests for a project, and allowing those matched resources to be simultaneously assigned.

The Resource Optimizer aims to find the most suitable resource while at the same time balancing this with the availability of the resources and attempting to avoid the work overrunning beyond the end date of the request.


You need the PSA - Match and Assign Resources with Optimizer permission set to view the Resource Optimizer page, and assign resources who are matched to resource requests. For more information, see Salesforce Object Permissions Required for Permission Checks.

Which Resources are Considered?

In general, active resources are considered by the Resource Optimizer. However, resources without a work calendar to define their available hours, or have a work calendar defined as zero hours, are excluded from the matching process. Depending on the weighting custom settings that have been configured, resources might be excluded from consideration for a particular request because they do not match the essential criteria, and the required minimum skill requirements. For more information, see Intelligent Staffing Controls and Resource Search Service Settings.

Which Resource Requests are Considered?

Resource requests for a specified project that are not held or assigned are considered. Resource requests with a start or end date in the past are excluded. You can only assign resource requests that are associated with a project to resources.

Which Attributes are Considered?

Attributes considered by the Resource Optimizer are:

  • Role
  • Region, Practice, Group
  • Skills, certifications, and ratings

The Worked With Customer and custom fields options are not available as filters when using the Resource Optimizer Lightning app page.

How does the Matching Process Work?

On the Resource Optimizer Lightning app page, you can select a project to return a list of requests against which you want to automatically match resources.

A list of open resource requests with a start date from today's date forward is selected by default for the project. You cannot optimize requests with a start date prior to today’s date. Deselect any requests you do not want to include in the automated matching.

You can click Match Resources to start the process.

During the automated matching, the Resource Optimizer is scoring eligible resources for suitability. It tries many different combinations of eligible resources to requests, attempting to match the most suitable resource when balancing the availability of those resources to complete the work. When considering if a resource can complete the work within the period of the request, the Resource Optimizer considers the number of requested hours and comparing it to the hours available on the resource schedule.

It attempts to minimize over-allocation and overrun of the request end date. Resources causing overrun of the request end date due to existing assignments within the duration of the request are penalized by the optimizer and are less likely to be matched.

When considering the current workload, the Resource Optimizer considers existing assignments, held resource requests, and other potential requests being matched. It also considers any non-working time on the resource schedule, for example holidays and weekends.

  • Newly created resources that do not have any availability data will not be included in the matching process. They are included once availability data has been calculated by the utilization engine process found within PSA Admin. Contact your administrator for more information on this process.
  • Sub-regions are scored the same as the parent region regarding matching criteria, and will display as a match when the parent RPG is considered a match. This is reflected in the Match Credentials section of the hover details, and in the Contact Card.

Sub-Regions, Practices, and Groups are included in matches for both resources and resource requests when using Resource Optimizer by default. Sub-regions are scored the same as the parent region in regards to matching criteria, and will therefore display as a match when the parent RPG is considered a match. This is reflected in the Match Credentials section of the hover details, and in the Contact Card.

Resource requests without eligible resources do not have a matched resource. Requests with eligible resources are updated with a matched resource. If allocation of a resource causes an overrun, the number of calendar days overrun is displayed.

The matching process might match the same resource to multiple resource requests when they have sufficient time available to fulfill them, or it might determine that a certain resource is completely unavailable for further work due to current commitments.

How is Scheduling Managed?

Resource Optimizer calculates which schedule will best fit the resource request, and uses this one as a priority when matching resources to resource requests.

Due to this, Resource Optimizer will not take into account the following scheduling settings or fields, when creating a schedule for your resources: 

  • The Preferred Schedule assigned to resources.
  • The hold-using-existing-schedule resource request setting.
  • The Retain Schedule on Assign assignment setting.
  • A task-based resourcing methodology.
  • Any data entered in the Default Scheduling Strategy field.

Contact your administrator for more information on scheduling fields and settings.

Assigning Matched Resources

The matched resources can be assigned simultaneously to the project. Assigned requests are removed from the page as they are no longer available for optimization. For more information on using the Resource Optimizer page, see Using Resource Optimizer.

Resource Requests Grid

The grid shows you:

  • Details of open resource requests on the project with start dates from today's date and forward.
  • The names of resources in the Matched Resource column that have been matched against resource requests.

You can hover over a resource request to display the Resource Request Actions.

For more information, see Resource Requests Grid Fields.


Resource Optimizer supports Date/Time fields when they are added to field sets for controlling the columns displayed in the Resource Requests grid. For more information, see Resource Optimizer Lightning Component Properties.


You might see the same resource matched against two resource requests because the resource’s schedule means they can fulfill both requests. For example, when the start and end dates of both resource requests do not overlap.

Optimization Summary

The Optimization Summary displays summary cards for Resource Optimizer. These summary cards correspond to the Resource Optimizer runs, showing the results for the selected group of Resource Requests.

The Optimization Summary consists of the following summary cards:

  • Requests Matched: Number of requests successfully matched with a resource.
  • Unique Resources: Number of unique resources across the whole Resource Optimization run.
  • Requests with Overrun: Number of requests with the matched resource that run over the end date.

Your administrator must add the PSA Resource Optimization Summary component to the Resource Optimizer page from the Custom components list in the Lightning App Builder. Activate the page as the org default. For more information, see PSA Lightning Components