Transaction Fields

The Transaction object contains data related to granular data exchanges in PSA, such as hours on a timecard or monetary amounts. For more information, see Transactions in PSA.

Note: To preserve data integrity, administrators should restrict edit access to transaction fields.
Warning: Never delete transaction records from a production organization.
Field     Description
Amount     The transaction amount.
Budget     A lookup to the associated budget.

A dynamically-assigned picklist of one of these values: Billable Internal Hours, Billable External Hours, Billed Revenue, Booked Revenue, Budgeted Cost, Budgeted Expense Cost, Credited Non-Billable Internal Hours, Excluded Hours, Expense Budget, Expense Cost, External Cost, Internal Budget, Internal Cost, Invoiced Revenue, Non-Billable External Hours, Non-Billable Internal Hours, Other Cost, Pass-Through Ready-to-Bill Revenue, Pre-Billed Revenue, Ready-to-Bill Revenue, Revenue.

Effective Date     The effective date of the transaction.
Expense     A lookup to the associated expense.
For Billing     Indicates the transaction is set for billing.
For Invoicing     Indicates the transaction is set for invoicing.
Hours     The number of hours.
Is Cost     Indicates the transaction is a cost (Internal Cost or External Cost).
Is Expense     Indicates the transaction is an expense.
Is Project Move     If selected, it indicates the projects have changed hierarchies.
Is Revenue     Indicates the transaction is revenue (Ready-to-Bill Revenue, Billed Revenue, Invoiced Revenue).
Is Time     Indicates the transaction is time.
Milestone     A lookup to the associated milestone.
Miscellaneous Adjustment     A lookup to the associated miscellaneous adjustment.
Overridden Region/Practice/Group     Indicates this transaction has an overridden Region, Practice, or Group.
Region/Practice/Group/Project/Resource     The associated region, practice, group, project, or resource.
Region/Practice/Group/Project/Resource Currency Code     The currency code of the associated region, practice, group, project, or resource.
Region/Practice/Group/Project/Resource Currency Exchange Rate     The currency exchange rate of the associated region, practice, group, project, or resource.
Related Record     A lookup to the related record.
Related Record ID     A lookup to the related record ID.
Related Record Ineligible     Indicates the related record is marked as ineligible. Deselect for the transaction amount to roll up to Actuals.
Related Record Name     A lookup to the related record name.
Timecard     A lookup to the associated timecard split.
Type     A dynamically-assigned picklist value specifying the transaction type. Values are usually: Budget, Expense, Invoice (Inbound), Invoice (Outbound), Milestone, Miscellaneous Adjustment, Purchase Order, Sales Order, Timecard.