Transactions in PSA

Note: To preserve data integrity, administrators should restrict edit access to transaction fields.

Transactions in PSA are associated with only one of these business records:

  • Budget
  • Expense
  • Milestone
  • Miscellaneous Adjustment
  • Timecard Split

Each transaction contains one or more categories and selects a checkbox indicator field based on that transaction category.

Warning: We recommend against deleting transactions from a production organization except for scenarios involving archiving old data that is not expected to change.

Budget Transactions

Budget records have three transactions:




Transaction Indicators Checked


Transaction One of: Booked Revenue

Is Revenue

Booked revenue for budgets or changes to booked revenue for a Customer PO type. Rolls up to Bookings actuals. Uses the effective date of the budget.
Internal Budget Is Revenue Budgets of type Internal Budget or changes to internal budgets. Rolls up to Internal Budget actuals. Uses the effective date of the budget.
Budgeted Cost Is Cost Budgeted cost for budgets or changes to budgets for Vendor PO or Work Order types. Does not roll up to actuals. Uses the effective date of the budget.
Transaction   Expense Cost

Is Cost

Is Expense

The reimbursable amount of the Expense (appears as 0 for non-reimbursable expenses) with an effective date of the Expense date.
Transaction   Billed Revenue

Is Revenue

Is Expense

For Billing

The billable amount of the expense, eligible after a Billing Event Item for the expense has been generated and its parent Billing Event released. The effective date is initially the Expense date but is adjusted to the date the Billing Event was released. This is also known as the Bill Date on the expense.


Expense Transactions

Expense records have four transactions:



Transaction Indicators Checked


Transaction Pass-through Ready-to-Bill Revenue

Is Revenue

Is Expense

The billable amount of the Expense (appears as 0 for non-billable expenses) with an effective date of the Expense date.
Transaction Expense Cost

Is Cost

Is Expense

The reimbursable amount of the Expense (appears as 0 for non-reimbursable expenses) with an effective date of the Expense date.
Transaction Billed Revenue

Is Revenue

Is Expense

For Billing

The billable amount of the expense, eligible after a Billing Event Item for the expense has been generated and its parent Billing Event released. The effective date is initially the Expense date but is adjusted to the date the Billing Event was released. This is also known as the Bill Date on the expense.
Transaction Invoiced Revenue

Is Revenue

Is Expense

For Invoicing

The billable amount of the expense, eligible after a Billing Event Item for the expense has been generated and its parent Billing Event released and invoiced. The effective date is initially the Expense date but is adjusted to the date the Billing Event was invoiced. This is also known as the Invoice Date on the expense.

Milestone Transactions

Milestones have no transaction records until the Include In Financials field is selected. Once Include In Financials is selected, Milestones have the indicated four transactions, even if Include In Financials is later deselected.


To select the Include in Financials field, a Milestone must have the Actual Date set. Transactions use the Actual Date as the transaction date.



Transaction Indicators Checked


Transaction Ready-to-Bill Revenue Is Revenue The amount of the Milestone with an effective date of the Milestone Actual date.
Transaction External Cost Is Cost the Milestone Cost amount with an effective date of the Milestone Actual date. The amount is zero unless the Log Milestone Cost As External field is selected.
Transaction Billed Revenue

Is Revenue

For Billing

The Milestone amount eligible after a Billing Event Item is generated for the Milestone and its parent Billing Event released. The effective date is initially the Milestone Actual date but changes to the date the Billing Event was released. This is also known as the Bill Date on the Milestone.
Transaction Invoiced Revenue

Is Revenue

For Invoicing

The Milestone amount eligible after a Billing Event Item is generated for the Milestone and its parent Billing Event released and invoiced. The effective date is initially the Milestone Actual date but changes to the date the Billing Event was invoiced. This is also known as the Invoice Date on the Milestone.

Miscellaneous Adjustment Transactions

Miscellaneous adjustments represent a way to include a monetary (not time) transaction of one's choice into a project. Miscellaneous adjustments have three transactions:



Transaction Indicators Checked


Transaction [Varies] [Varies] A transaction of the category specified by the Category field. Only monetary transactions are valid. For more information, see the Category field description in Transaction Fields.
Transaction Billed Revenue

Is Revenue

For Billing

Billed revenue eligible based on the miscellaneousAdjustmentCategories Billing configuration. Usually this is Ready-to-Bill Revenue and sometimes also Pass-through Ready-to-Bill Revenue. For these billing revenue types, the effective date starts as the effective date of the Miscellaneous Adjustment but is adjusted to the date the Billing Event is released. Also known as the Bill Date on the Miscellaneous Adjustment.
Transaction Invoiced Revenue

Is Revenue

For Invoicing

Invoiced revenue eligible based on the miscellaneousAdjustmentCategories Billing configuration. Usually this is Ready-to-Bill Revenue and sometimes also Pass-through Ready-to-Bill Revenue. For these billing revenue types, the effective date starts as the effective date of the Miscellaneous Adjustment but is adjusted to the date the Billing Event is invoiced. Also known as the Invoice Date on the Miscellaneous Adjustment.

Timecard Split Transactions

Timecard Split records have five transactions:



Transaction Indicators Checked


Transaction Ready-to-Bill Revenue Is Revenue The billable amount of the Timecard Split with an effective date matching the end date of the Timecard Split record.

Internal Cost

External Cost

Is Cost The cost amount of the Timecard Split with an effective date matching the end date of the Timecard Split record.
Transaction Hours Is Time The Timecard Split hours.
Transaction Billed Revenue Is Revenue The billable amount of the Timecard Split. This is eligible after a Billing Event Item is generated for a Timecard Split and the parent Billing Event is released.


Invoiced Revenue  Is Revenue The billable amount of the Timecard Split. This is eligible after a Billing Event Item is generated for a Timecard Split and the parent Billing Event is released and invoiced.

Rolling Up Transactions into Actuals

Transaction amounts, and time for eligible transactions, roll up to actuals. An administrator can change the roll up process by configurations in the Actuals and Configuration Group. For more information, see Actuals Settings.

Actuals Type

Default Roll Up Process 
Project Actuals Actuals contain all amounts and time. Transactions roll further up the project hierarchy. 
Resource Actuals Actuals contain all amounts and time for Timecard Split and Expense records with an associated Resource.
RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. based Actuals Actuals contain all amounts and time for either the Project's RPG or the Resource's RPG.

Transactions that do not correspond with a Resource (Milestones, Budgets, and Miscellaneous Adjustments) can only roll up to a project's RPG.

Actuals for time always come from Timecard Splits and roll up to the RPG associated with the Resource.
Revenue and Expense (including Expense Cost) roll up to the RPG associated with the Project.
Non-expense costs with an associated Resource (such as Timecard Split costs) roll up to the RPG associated with the Resource. These normally correspond to the cost of paying an employee's salary and benefits.
Note: The RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. on a transaction record is set upon record creation. If the RPG on a Resource or Project changes after the creation of the transaction record. the RPG must be changed on the transaction record. You can use Override RPG fields on the parent business records to make this change.