Preparing the Data Environment for PS Cloud Analytics

To ensure that PSA data displays correctly in PS Cloud Analytics, you must complete the following setup steps in your PSA data environment.

Objects Required by the PS Cloud Analytics Dataflow

The PS Cloud Core Analytics dataflow requires data from several PSA-related objects. To avoid conflicts, we recommend you have at least one record for each of the following objects in your PSA environment before you create your PS Cloud Core Analytics app.


Y = Yes

N = No

PS Cloud Analytics Dataflow Required Objects




Further Information

Account N PSA  
Backlog Calculation Y PSA
Backlog Detail Y PSA
Backlog Detail Converted Y PSA
Budget N PSA
Est vs Actuals N PSA
Expense N PSA
Group N PSA
Milestone N PSA
Miscellaneous Adjustment N PSA
Opportunity N PSA
Practice N PSA
Project N PSA
Region N PSA
Resource (Contact) N PSA
Skill N PSA
Time Period N PSA When configuring your time periods in PSA, you must specify weeks, months, quarters and years.
Timecard N PSA  
Transaction N PSA
User N PSA
Utilization Calculation Y PSA You must have utilization data available in either the Utilization Results object OR Utilization Details/Utilization Summary object.
Utilization Detail Y PSA You must have utilization data available in either the Utilization Results object OR Utilization Details/Utilization Summary object.
Utilization Summary Y PSA You must have utilization data available in either the Utilization Results object OR Utilization Details/Utilization Summary object.
Project Actuals Converted Y PSA Required to use the Total Project Margin (Workspace) dashboards, which is optional to PS Cloud Analytics.
Revenue Forecast Type Y PSA Required to use the PSA Revenue Forecast dashboard, which are optional to PS Cloud Analytics.
Revenue Forecast Y PSA Required to use the PSA Revenue Forecast dashboard, which are optional to PS Cloud Analytics.
Revenue Forecast Version Y PSA Required to use the PSA Revenue Forecast dashboard, which are optional to PS Cloud Analytics.
Revenue Forecast Version Detail Y PSA Required to use the PSA Revenue Forecast dashboard, which are optional to PS Cloud Analytics.
Utilization Result Y PSA Required to use the PSA Utilization Analytics dashboard, which is optional to PS Cloud Core Analytics.
Estimate Y Services CPQ  
Estimate Task Y Services CPQ
Estimate Role Request Y Services CPQ
Note: Only data for top-level projects is displayed in the PS Cloud Analytics Billings dataset.

Custom Settings Used by PS Cloud Core Analytics

To perform the necessary calculations to the data held in the Utilization Detail and Utilization Summary objects used by PS Cloud Core Analytics, ensure that the following PSA custom settings are enabled.

  • Calculate Summary By Role

For more information, see Utilization Settings.

RPG Hierarchies in PS Cloud Core Analytics

If the RPG hierarchy in your PSA data environment is less than 12 levels deep, then the dataflow removes any surplus hierarchy levels from the datasets listed below. If you subsequently add further levels to your source data, you must reconfigure your PS Cloud Core Analytics app to see data for these additional levels displayed in your lenses and dashboards.

  • Backlog
  • Billings
  • Capacity
  • Project Reporting
  • Revenue Forecast
  • Utilization
  • Utilization Results

Revenue Forecast User Permission Controls

If required, you can apply user permission controls set for your revenue forecast data in PSA, to filter the revenue forecast data displayed in the Revenue Forecast dataset and dashboard. For more information on this feature, see Revenue Forecast Flow Intermediate Processing.

In order to use this feature, you must have at least one revenue forecast setup record in your PSA data environment with the following options selected:

  • Active
  • Respect Permission Controls

Skills / Certification Ratings

In order to display a skill in the PSA Skills Capacity and Demand Planning dashboard, you must have at least one resource with a skill / certification rating of zero or higher in your PSA data environment for this skill. For more information, see Managing Skills, Certifications, and Experience for Resources.

Preparing the Calculations Used by PS Cloud Core Analytics

To display your data in Analytics, PS Cloud Core Analytics uses several PSA calculations.

Preparing the Data Required by the Additional Features

If you want to enable additional features in PS Cloud Analytics, such as the Total Project Margin (Workspace) or the PSA Revenue Forecast dashboards, ensure you apply the necessary data preparation steps to the org before you create or upgrade your app.