Viewing Manage Revenue Contracts Process Runs

Revenue Management creates a process run record with the description Manage Revenue Contracts when you create or update revenue contracts:


A process run record is only created when the process executes asynchronously (in the background).

The process run record with the description Manage Revenue Contracts is a parent record that contains several child process runs. Each child process run represents a part of the overall process and contains logs that provide more information.

You can access the parent process run from the Process Runs tab or from the email notification that Revenue Management sends after the process finishes.

The table below provides more information about the child process runs that are created when using the create method of the Revenue Contracts Service in the Revenue Management API. For information about the child processes that start when creating revenue contracts for engagement records, see Generating Revenue Contracts for Engagements.

Manage Revenue Contracts Child Process Runs

Child Process Run


Related Logs

Add [Source Object Plural Label] to Revenue Contract

During this stage, performance obligations and performance obligation line items are created from the provided source records and linked to the contract.

A child process run is created for each source object type added to the revenue contract. For example, if your source records include two projects and three billing contracts, the following child process runs are created:

  • Add Projects to Revenue Contract
  • Add Billing Contracts to Revenue Contract
Each related log represents a source record that was processed. The Related Record field provides a direct link to the source record.
Allocate Revenue for Contract [Contract Number]

During this stage, revenue is allocated or reallocated for the revenue contract.

The single related log links to the revenue contract and contains the contract's allocation status.
Generate schedules for ffrr__PerformanceObligation__c During this stage, recognition schedules are created or updated for all the performance obligations included in the revenue contract. Each related log represents a performance obligation that was processed. The Related Record field provides a direct link to the performance obligation.

If multiple revenue contracts are created or updated at the same time, Revenue Management creates multiple child records with the same or similar descriptions.