Metadata Changes when Enabling the Revenue Recognition Setup for Accounting

When you enable the integration between Revenue Management and Accounting, the following fields are created:

Object Field Description
Sales Invoice Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the sales invoice is included for revenue recognition. Defaults to false.
Revenue Recognition End Date End date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales invoice.
Revenue Recognition Start Date Start date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales invoice.
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to a template for recognizing revenue on the sales invoice. This field is not used by the standard integration which recognizes revenue at sales invoice line level, not header level.
Sales Invoice Line Item Complete Indicates whether or not the sales invoice line item has been delivered.
Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the sales invoice line item is included for revenue recognition. Selected automatically if the sales invoice's status is "Complete".
Invoice Currency The invoice currency, derived from the sales invoice.  
Percent Complete The percentage of the sales invoice line item that has been delivered.
Recognized to Date Stores the revenue that has been recognized to date for the sales invoice line item. The value updates each time recognition transactions are committed for the line item.
Revenue Recognition Complete A checkbox that is automatically set by the recognition process when the sales invoice line item is fully recognized. The line item is then ignored by future recognition processes.
Revenue Recognition End Date End date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales invoice line item.
Revenue Recognition Start Date Start date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales invoice line item.
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to the template used to recognize revenue for the sales invoice line item.
Sales Credit Note Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the sales credit note is included for revenue recognition. Defaults to false.
Revenue Recognition End Date End date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales credit note.
Revenue Recognition Start Date Start date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales credit note.
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to a template for recognizing revenue on the sales credit note. This field is not used by the standard integration which recognizes revenue at sales credit note line level, not header level.
Sales Credit Note Line Item Complete Indicates whether or not the sales credit note line item has been delivered.
Credit Note Currency The credit note currency, derived from the sales credit note.
Include in Revenue Recognition Indicates whether or not the sales credit note line item is included for revenue recognition. Selected automatically if the sales credit note's status is "Complete".
Percent Complete The percentage of the sales credit note line item that has been delivered.
Recognized to Date Stores the revenue that has been recognized to date for the sales credit note line item. The value updates each time recognition transactions are committed for the line item.
Reporting Net Value The sales invoice line item's Net Value with the sign reversed.
Revenue Recognition Complete A checkbox that is automatically set by the recognition process when the sales credit note line item is fully recognized. The line item is then ignored by future recognition processes.
Revenue Recognition End Date End date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales credit note line item.
Revenue Recognition Start Date Start date of the period over which you want to recognize the sales credit note line item.
Revenue Recognition Template Lookup to the template used to recognize revenue for the sales credit note line item.
Recognition Transaction Line Sales Invoice Lookup to the sales invoice associated with this transaction line.
Sales Invoice Line Item Lookup to the sales invoice line item associated with this transaction line.
Sales Credit Note Lookup to the sales credit note associated with this transaction line.
Sales Credit Note Line Item Lookup to the sales credit note line item associated with this transaction line.
Recognition Schedule Sales Invoice Line Item

Lookup to the sales invoice line item associated with this recognition schedule.

Sales Credit Note Line Item

Lookup to the sales credit note line item associated with this recognition schedule.

Recognition Schedule Line Sales Invoice Lookup to the sales invoice associated with this recognition schedule line.
Sales Invoice Line Item Lookup to the sales invoice line item associated with this recognition schedule line.
Sales Credit Note Lookup to the sales credit note associated with this recognition schedule line.
Sales Credit Note Line Item Lookup to the sales credit note line item associated with this recognition schedule line.

The fields added to Sales Invoice Line Item and Sales Credit Note Line Item are added to the Manage Lines (SUT), Manage Lines (VAT/GST), and Manage Lines (Combined Tax) field sets. This means the fields will be available in the Line Items grid on the Sales Invoice Lightning Page and Sales Credit Note Lightning Page. For information about activating these Lightning pages, see Activating and Configuring Lightning Record Pages for Documents.

Recognition Settings

This table lists the recognition settings records that are created for the source objects.


Sales Invoice

Sales Invoice Line Item

Sales Credit Note

Sales Credit Note Line Item

Recognition Settings Name

Sales Invoices

Sales Invoice Line Items

Sales Credit Notes

Sales Credit Note Line Items

Settings Level


Level 2


Level 2

Parent Recognition Settings


Sales Invoices


Sales Credit Notes


c2g__codaInvoice__c c2g__codaInvoiceLineItem__c c2g__codaCreditNote__c c2g__codaCreditNoteLineItem__c
Parent Lookup   c2g__Invoice__c   c2g__CreditNote__c

Value Type





Settings Type





Recognition Transaction Line Lookup ffrrSalesInvoice__c ffrrSalesInvoiceLineItem__c ffrrSalesCreditNote__c ffrrSalesCreditNoteLineItem__c
Recognition Schedule Lookup   ffrrSalesInvoiceLineItem__c   ffrrSalesCreditNoteLineItem__c
Recognition Schedule Line Lookups   ffrrSalesInvoiceLineItem__c, ffrrSalesInvoice__c   ffrrSalesCreditNoteLineItem__c, ffrrSalesCreditNote__c
Parent Relationship Paths   Id, c2g__codaInvoice__c   Id, c2g__CreditNote__c

Display Information

c2g__Account__c c2g__Product__c c2g__Account__c c2g__Product__c


Name Name Name Name

Start Date

ffrrRevenueRecognitionStartDate__c ffrrRevenueRecognitionStartDate__c ffrrRevenueRecognitionStartDate__c ffrrRevenueRecognitionStartDate__c

End Date

ffrrRevenueRecognitionEndDate__c ffrrRevenueRecognitionEndDate__c ffrrRevenueRecognitionEndDate__c ffrrRevenueRecognitionEndDate__c

Active Field

ffrrIncludeInRevenueRecognition__c ffrrIncludeInRevenueRecognition__c ffrrIncludeInRevenueRecognition__c ffrrIncludeInRevenueRecognition__c

Active Value





Include Active Value





% Complete   ffrrPercentComplete__c   ffrrPercentComplete__c

Completed Field

  ffrrComplete__c   ffrrComplete__c

Completed Value





Include Completed Value





Recognition Complete   ffrrRevenueRecognitionComplete__c   ffrrRevenueRecognitionComplete__c
Grouped By c2g__OwnerCompany__c   c2g__OwnerCompany__c  

Document Currency





Account   c2g__Invoice__r.c2g__Account__c   c2g__CreditNote__r.c2g__Account__c
Product   c2g__Product__c   c2g__Product__c
Company   c2g__OwnerCompany__c   c2g__OwnerCompany__c
Analysis Item 1   c2g__Dimension1__c   c2g__Dimension1__c
Analysis Item 2   c2g__Dimension2__c   c2g__Dimension2__c
Analysis Item 3   c2g__Dimension3__c   c2g__Dimension3__c
Analysis Item 4   c2g__Dimension4__c   c2g__Dimension4__c

Total Revenue

c2g__NetTotal__c c2g__NetValue__c c2g__NetTotal__c ffrrReportingNetValue__c

Balance Sheet*





Income Statement*





Revenue Recognized to Date Value

  ffrrRecognizedToDate__c   ffrrRecognizedToDate__c

Fixed IS GLA Code





Fixed BS GLA Code





*Update these fields to use the correct GLA codes for your business.

Recognition Templates

The following recognition templates are created for use with the Sales Invoice Line Items settings record detailed above.

  • Sales Invoice Line - % Complete
  • Sales Invoice Line - Deliverable
  • Sales Invoice Line - Equal Split Days
  • Sales Invoice Line - Equal Split Months
  • Sales Invoice Line - Equal Split Months/PP
  • Sales Invoice Line - Equal Split Months/PP with Actual Days
  • Sales Invoice Line - Equal Split 445

The following recognition templates are created for use with the Sales Credit Note Line Items settings record detailed above.

  • Sales Credit Note Line - % Complete
  • Sales Credit Note Line - Deliverable
  • Sales Credit Note Line - Equal Split Days
  • Sales Credit Note Line - Equal Split Months
  • Sales Credit Note Line - Equal Split Months/PP
  • Sales Credit Note Line - Equal Split Months/PP with Actual Days
  • Sales Credit Note Line - Equal Split 445