How Do I Disable Recognizing against Recognition Schedules?

There are two ways of recognizing revenue and cost in Revenue Management: against recognition schedules or against source records (sometimes known as ActualsClosed Refers to the original revenue recognition process where staging data is generated for source records. The Recognize Revenue page and Recognize All use this process.). You cannot recognize using both processes at the same time.

  • If the Recognize against Revenue Schedules feature is not enabled, you will recognize revenue and cost against source records via the Recognize Revenue page, or via Recognize All. You can generate recognition schedules and view schedule data on the Revenue Recognition page, but if you try to recognize revenue and cost from that page an error message is displayed.
  • If the Recognize against Revenue Schedules feature is enabled, you will recognize revenue and cost against recognition schedules via the Revenue Recognition page. You can still generate data on the Recognize Revenue page, but if you try to submit revenue and cost or try to run Recognize All an error message is displayed.

We recommend that customers recognize against recognition schedules for the reasons set out in Revenue Management System Overview. If after enabling the Recognize against Revenue Schedules feature you need to revert to recognizing against source records, you must:

  1. Discard any recognition transactions that have been created by recognizing revenue and cost against recognition schedules. To identify recognition transactions that have been created by this process, create a list view showing transactions where the value in the Originating Process field is "Revenue Recognition". Once you have discarded these transactions, you can optionally delete them.
  2. Using Feature Console, go to the Recognize against Revenue Schedules feature and revert feature step 2 which is entitled "Enable revenue recognition against recognition schedules". When the step has been reverted, its status changes to "Not Done".
  3. If you had removed users' access to the Recognize Revenue and Forecast Revenue tabs, reinstate their access to these tabs.
  4. [Optional] Remove access to the Revenue Recognition page to ensure that users do not use it by mistake.

When you have completed these steps, you may resume recognizing revenue and cost against source records. Typically you do this via the Recognize Revenue page, or Recognize All.