Setting up the Hours Breakdown

Complete the following setup tasks before using the Hours Breakdown view.


To access and use the Hours Breakdown view in the Builder, you must be assigned the Certinia - SCPQ - Estimator permission set group.

Work Calendars

The Hours Breakdown view is able to take account of work calendars when spreading hours. If the Use Work Calendars for Scheduling field is selected on an estimate, hours are only allocated on working days specified in a role request's associated work calendar. The default value for this field is true. You can change this by selecting the Ignore Work Calendars by Default field in the Services CPQ Setting custom setting. For more information, see Services CPQ Settings.

Work calendars can be associated with role requests based on region, practice, or group. You can determine which by changing the value in the default-work-calendar-hierarchy configuration option. For more information, see Resource Settings.

Retaining Schedules in PSA

When a resource request is created from a role request, the schedule created in the Hours Breakdown view is the preferred schedule of the new resource request. You can choose whether this schedule is retained when the resource request is held or assigned by using the Retain Schedule on Assign and Retain Schedule on Hold fields in the Assignment Settings custom setting. For more information, see Assignment Settings.

Disabling the Hours Breakdown

The Hours Breakdown view in the Builder is enabled by default. If you want to disable it, select the Disable Hours Breakdown and Schedules checkbox in the Services CPQ Settings custom setting. For more information, see Services CPQ Settings.