Creating CS Activities

You can create CS activities using:

  • The Create CS Activity action in the Actions panel, which is available on the Customer Success Management Workspace. This action might also be available from a record page, if your administrator has added the Actions panel to the page.
  • The Add CS Activity button in Activity Tracker.
  • The New list view button in the CS Activities tab.

Creating CS Activities from the Customer Success Management Workspace or Activity Tracker

To create a CS activity from the Customer Success Management Workspace or Activity Tracker:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Customer Success Management Workspace, click Create CS Activity in the Actions panel.
    • In Activity Tracker, click Add activity, then click Add CS Activity.
  2. Select a record type for the new CS activity, then click Next. This step is only applicable if your administrator has set up multiple record types.
  3. Search for and select an account to associate with the CS activity.
  4. Specify the date of the CS activity.
  5. Enter a summary for the CS activity.
  6. [Optional] Search for and select a success plan to associate with the CS activity.
  7. [Optional] Search for and select an objective to associate with the CS activity.
  8. [Optional] Search for and select a playbook to associate with the CS activity. You can only associate CS activities with active playbooks.
  9. [Optional] Select the CS activity type.
  10. [Optional] Search for and select the contacts to associate with the CS activity. You can view contacts related to the searched keyword, including their full names and job titles, and the names of their associated accounts. Enter at least two characters in the Contact field and click Show All Results for “ ” to open the Select Contact window. Then, select the contacts that you want from the grid and click Select to add them to the Contact field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.
  11. [Optional] Enter any notes for the CS activity. For more information about the formatting options available in the rich text editor, see the Salesforce Help.
  12. [Optional] In the Playbook Tasks section, add any playbook tasks for the activity in the Playbook Tasks grid. To do this:

    1. In the Playbook Tasks grid click Add Task. A new row displays.
    2. Enter a Name for your playbook task.
    3. [Optional] Select a playbook to associate with your playbook task. Playbooks are refined to playbooks associated with the same account as the CS Activity.
    4. [Optional] Select resources to assign to your playbook task.
    5. [Optional] Select a start and end date for your playbook task. If your task is associated with a playbook, the dates are restricted to ones within your playbook's date range. When you only select a task start date, the end date automatically populates to the next day.
    6. [Optional] Update the status of your playbook task. By default, Draft is selected.
  13. Click Create.
  • To delete a playbook task from the grid, click Delete Tasks.
  • You must enter two or more characters to search for resources. You can search by resource name or role.
  • The Assigned Resources field is blank until you search and select a resource, then previously-selected resources will appear in the drop-down for subsequent tasks.
  • When creating playbook tasks during CS Activity creation, they're associated with the same account as the CS Activity.
  • You must have permission to create playbook tasks in order to create tasks during CS Activity creation. For more information, contact your administrator.

Creating CS Activities from the CS Activities Tab

To create a new CS activity from the CS Activities tab:

  1. On the CS Activities tab, click New.
  2. Select a record type for the new CS activity, then click Next. This step is only applicable if your administrator has set up multiple record types.
  3. Search for and select an account to associate with the CS activity.
  4. Specify the date of the CS activity.
  5. Enter a summary for the CS activity.
  6. [Optional] Search for and select a success plan to associate with the CS activity.
  7. [Optional] Search for and select an objective to associate with the CS activity.
  8. [Optional] Search for and select a playbook to associate with the CS activity. You can only associate CS activities with active playbooks.
  9. [Optional] Enter any notes for the CS activity. For more information about the formatting options available in the rich text editor, see the Salesforce Help.
  10. Click Save to save the CS activity or Save & New to save the CS activity and create a new one.