PSA Asynchronous Callables
The following is the list of PSA Asynchronous Callables.
Callable Class | Description |
ActualsCalculateDeltaContinuous | Processes the Transaction Deltas to update Actual values on Projects, Resources, Regions, Practices, and Groups. |
AsyncTimecardSubmitCallable | Submits the timecards for approval. |
BulkDeleteBillingEventItemCallable | Deletes the billing event items when the billing event is deleted. |
CalculateFinancialsForPTACallable | Updates the Estimated Hours, Estimated Cost, and Actual Cost on Project Task Assignments. |
DeleteEstVsActualsCallable | Deletes the Estimates Versus Actuals records. |
DeleteProjectBacklogDetailsCallable | Deletes project backlog details for inactive projects. |
ExpenseRollupCallable | Rollups the expenses on assignments, milestones, or expense reports. |
EvaActualsCalculationCallable | Contains a set of assignment IDs to be processed to calculate EVA actuals fields. It initiates another queueable that processes a set of timecards and calculates the EVA. |
EvaEstimatesCalculationCallable | Calculates the estimates on the EVA records for the provided schedule IDs. |
GeoCodingCallable | Adds geocoding data on resources and resource requests records. |
GroupChainUpdateCallable | Updates the Group ID and Name Chain for parent groups. The groupIds in the Callable Parameters field are the updated group records. |
GroupChainUpdateChildCallable | Updates the Group ID and Name Chain for child groups. The childGroupIds in the Callable Parameters field are the set of group IDs that are updated for the updated parentGroupIds. |
HandleAssignMilestoneFlagsCallable | Checks the Closed for Time Entry and Closed for Expense Entry fields on assignment and milestone when these fields are checked on the project. |
PracticeChainUpdateCallable | Updates the Practice ID and Name Chain for parent practices. The practiceIds in the Callable Parameters field are the updated practice records. |
PracticeChainUpdateChildCallable | Updates the Practice ID and Name Chain for child practices. The childPracticeIds in the Callable Parameters field are the set of practice IDs that are updated for the updated parentPracticeIds. |
ProjActSameCurrencyRecalcCallable | Updates Project Actuals when a project is moved between two project hierarchies with the same currency. |
ProjectActualsDeltaRecalculationCallable | Updates Project Actuals when a project is moved between two project hierarchies with different currencies. |
ProjectVarianceCallable | Calculates hours variance for the passed project IDs. This is initiated from the PSA Administration page. |
ProjectVarianceLauncherCallable | Fetches the project IDs in a 20000 chunk size and inserts multiple async job records with a chunk of 200 project IDs to calculate the hours variance. |
RegionChainUpdateCallable | Updates the Region ID and Name Chain for parent regions. The regionIds in the Callable Parameters field are the updated region records. |
RegionChainUpdateChildCallable | Updates the Region ID and Name Chain for child regions. The childRegionIds in the Callable Parameters field are the set of regionIds that are updated for the updated parentRegionIds. |
RemoveEmptyBatchesCallable | Deletes the billing event batches when the billing event is deleted. |
ThresholdAlertNotificationCallable | Sends an email to the user when the project reaches the threshold value. |
TimecardChangeCallable | Updates the transactions after editing the timecard splits. |
TimecardRollupCallable | Rollups the timecards on assignments, milestones, or timecards. |
UE_Callable | Rebuilds the utilization engine records for a set of resources. |
UE_Launcher | Groups a set of resources into chunks which are processed together by the UE_Callable. |
UpdateEstVsActualsNameCallable | Handles the EVAs name and resource updates when a resource is changed on Assignments. |
UpdateProjectMonitorFieldsCallable | Updates the Total Assigned Hours and Total Projected Revenue From Assignments fields on the Project record. |
UpdateSchedulesCallable | Updates Scheduled Hours, Scheduled Days and Action Force Schedule Refresh fields on schedules and remove out of range schedule exceptions. |