PSA Asynchronous Callables

The following is the list of PSA Asynchronous Callables.


You can monitor the status of PSA asynchronous callable jobs in your Salesforce org from the Async Job Records tab. For more information, see Monitoring Asynchronous Jobs.

PSAAsynchronous Callables
Callable Class Description
ActualsCalculateDeltaContinuous Processes the Transaction Deltas to update Actual values on Projects, Resources, Regions, Practices, and Groups.
AsyncTimecardSubmitCallable Submits the timecards for approval.
BulkDeleteBillingEventItemCallable Deletes the billing event items when the billing event is deleted.
CalculateFinancialsForPTACallable Updates the Estimated Hours, Estimated Cost, and Actual Cost on Project Task Assignments.
DeleteEstVsActualsCallable Deletes the Estimates Versus Actuals records.
DeleteProjectBacklogDetailsCallable Deletes project backlog details for inactive projects.
ExpenseRollupCallable Rollups the expenses on assignments, milestones, or expense reports.
EvaActualsCalculationCallable Contains a set of assignment IDs to be processed to calculate EVA actuals fields. It initiates another queueable that processes a set of timecards and calculates the EVA.
EvaEstimatesCalculationCallable Calculates the estimates on the EVA records for the provided schedule IDs.
GeoCodingCallable Adds geocoding data on resources and resource requests records.
GroupChainUpdateCallable Updates the Group ID and Name Chain for parent groups. The groupIds in the Callable Parameters field are the updated group records.
GroupChainUpdateChildCallable Updates the Group ID and Name Chain for child groups. The childGroupIds in the Callable Parameters field are the set of group IDs that are updated for the updated parentGroupIds.
HandleAssignMilestoneFlagsCallable Checks the Closed for Time Entry and Closed for Expense Entry fields on assignment and milestone when these fields are checked on the project.
PracticeChainUpdateCallable Updates the Practice ID and Name Chain for parent practices. The practiceIds in the Callable Parameters field are the updated practice records.
PracticeChainUpdateChildCallable Updates the Practice ID and Name Chain for child practices. The childPracticeIds in the Callable Parameters field are the set of practice IDs that are updated for the updated parentPracticeIds.
ProjActSameCurrencyRecalcCallable Updates Project Actuals when a project is moved between two project hierarchies with the same currency.
ProjectActualsDeltaRecalculationCallable Updates Project Actuals when a project is moved between two project hierarchies with different currencies.
ProjectVarianceCallable Calculates hours variance for the passed project IDs. This is initiated from the PSA Administration page.
ProjectVarianceLauncherCallable Fetches the project IDs in a 20000 chunk size and inserts multiple async job records with a chunk of 200 project IDs to calculate the hours variance.
RegionChainUpdateCallable Updates the Region ID and Name Chain for parent regions. The regionIds in the Callable Parameters field are the updated region records.
RegionChainUpdateChildCallable Updates the Region ID and Name Chain for child regions. The childRegionIds in the Callable Parameters field are the set of regionIds that are updated for the updated parentRegionIds.
RemoveEmptyBatchesCallable Deletes the billing event batches when the billing event is deleted.
ThresholdAlertNotificationCallable Sends an email to the user when the project reaches the threshold value.
TimecardChangeCallable Updates the transactions after editing the timecard splits.
TimecardRollupCallable Rollups the timecards on assignments, milestones, or timecards.
UE_Callable Rebuilds the utilization engine records for a set of resources.
UE_Launcher Groups a set of resources into chunks which are processed together by the UE_Callable.
UpdateEstVsActualsNameCallable Handles the EVAs name and resource updates when a resource is changed on Assignments.
UpdateProjectMonitorFieldsCallable Updates the Total Assigned Hours and Total Projected Revenue From Assignments fields on the Project record.
UpdateSchedulesCallable Updates Scheduled Hours, Scheduled Days and Action Force Schedule Refresh fields on schedules and remove out of range schedule exceptions.

These callable classes are used to improve the trigger performance and run the records asynchronously.