Estimates Versus Actuals Calculation Asynchronous Process

The EVA calculation process includes two separate jobs for calculating the Estimates and Actuals on the EVA record. Whenever a job is queued in EVA to calculate estimates or actuals, an async job record is created with the necessary details to process. Using the Async Job Record tab, you can view the details page and monitor the job record status, such as Not Started, Enqueued, Running, Complete, or Error. For more information, see Monitoring Asynchronous Jobs.

EVA Actuals Calculation

When the EvaActualsCalculationCallable job is initiated to calculate EVA actuals, an async job record is created. This record includes the job name and relevant details. The actuals calculation job processes a batch of records. If the number of records involved in the EVA actuals calculation is large, multiple job records with different chunks are created. You can view these job records in the Callable Parameters field.

When each async job record is processed, a queueable job is triggered to calculate EVA actuals. The records are processed in chunks, so if there is a large number of records, then multiple queueable jobs might be executed.

In the Update Actuals Batch Size field of the Estimates Versus Actuals Settings custom setting, you can set the total number of records to be processed in a single job for EVA actuals calculation. The default batch size is 2000 records.

EVA Estimates Calculation

When the EvaEstimatesCalculationCallable job is initiated to calculate EVA estimates, an async job record is created. This record includes the name of the callable job and the associated async process. The EvaEstimatesCalculationCallable job operates on a batch of records. If the number of records involved in the EVA actuals calculation is large, multiple job records with different chunks are created. You can view job records in the Callable Parameters field.

When each async job record is processed, a queueable job is triggered to calculate EVA estimates. The records are processed in chunks, so if there is a large number of records, then multiple queueable jobs might be executed.

In the Update Estimates Batch Size field of the Estimates Versus Actuals Settings custom setting, you can set the total number of records to be processed in a single job for EVA estimates calculation. The default batch size is 2000 records.

For more information, see Est Vs Actuals Settings.

Deletion of Estimates Versus Actuals

When you delete an assignment or update a resource request, the DeleteEstVsActualsCallable job is initiated to delete the associated EVAs that are invalid.

The following are the events in which the DeleteEstVsActualsCallable job runs to delete the EVAs:

  • Assignment is deleted.
  • Resource request is unheld.
  • Resource request is deleted.
  • Staffing Resource changed on the resource request.