Cost Forecast Fields
The Cost Forecast object includes the following fields.
Field | Description |
Corp: Costs Pending Recognition | In the corporate currency, the costs that are ready for recognition on the cost forecast. |
Corp: Costs Recognized To Date | In the corporate currency, the costs that have already been recognized on the cost forecast. |
Corp: Currency | The corporate currency of the org at the time the cost forecast was run. |
Corp: Margin | The calculated margin in the corporate currency. If the cost forecast is linked to a revenue forecast that uses the same project, opportunity, milestone, and monthly time period, the margin is calculated by subtracting the sum of the costs in the following fields from the revenue in the related revenue forecast:
Corp: Scheduled Costs | In the corporate currency, the costs that are scheduled for recognition on the cost forecast. |
Corp: Total Approved Costs | The sum of the values in the Corp: Costs Recognized to Date and the Corp: Costs Pending Recognition fields. |
Corp: Unscheduled Costs | In the corporate currency, the costs that are not scheduled for recognition on the cost forecast. |
Costs Pending Recognition | The costs that are ready for recognition on the cost forecast. |
Costs Recognized to Date | The costs that have already been recognized on the cost forecast. |
Last Updated | The date and time when the cost forecast was last updated. |
Margin |
The calculated margin. If the cost forecast is linked to a revenue forecast that uses the same project, opportunity, milestone, and monthly time period, the margin is calculated by subtracting the sum of the costs in the following fields from the revenue in the related revenue forecast:
Margin (%) |
The percentage of margin made on the revenue using the following calculation: The values used in the calculation are derived from the following:
Milestone | A lookup to the milestone the cost forecast relates to. |
Opportunity | Reserved for future use. |
Opportunity Probability (%) | Reserved for future use. |
Project | A lookup to the project the cost forecast relates to. |
Revenue Forecast | A lookup to the revenue forecast the cost forecast relates to. |
Scheduled Costs | The costs that are scheduled for recognition on the cost forecast. |
Time Period | A lookup to the time period set on the cost forecast. |
Time Period End | The end date of the time period the record relates to. |
Time Period Start | The start date of the time period the record relates to. |
Total Approved Costs | The sum of the values in the Costs Recognized to Date and the Costs Pending Recognition fields. |
Unscheduled Costs |
The costs that are not scheduled for recognition on the cost forecast. |