Project Gantt Lightning Component Fields

The Project Gantt Lightning component includes the following.


An administrator can control the fields that are displayed using a Project Task field set. For more information, see Project Gantt Lightning Component Properties and Project Task Fields.


Buttons on the Project Gantt Lightning Component
Button Description
Export Exports the data to a file in XML format. You can then open the XML file in Microsoft Project 2013 or later.

Searches for project tasks based on the task name. When you start typing characters from anywhere in the name, PSA searches the tasks loaded into Gantt and narrows down the search results as you type.

Lines indicating dependencies between project tasks are only displayed if both project tasks are returned in the search results.

Parent tasks are always displayed to provide context for child tasks returned in a search.

Today Displays the current day on the timeline and maintains the current zoom level.
Calendar View Changes the view between days, weeks, months, quarters, and years. The view you set is retained if you use the same browser on the same device. Months is selected by default.

Reloads the data. This is useful if, for example, project tasks or project task assignments were created or updated after you loaded the project record page, or if you have made a change in a different tab.

Expand All Expands all rows in the grid.
Collapse All Collapses all rows in the grid.
Critical Path Shows and hides the critical path of the project in the Gantt chart. Tasks that end on or after the project end date and any dependent tasks are highlighted. Changing the end date or duration of any task in the critical path might affect the end of the project. This button is deselected by default. If it's not available in the toolbar, contact your administrator.
Tip: When using critical path, we recommend that you select Adjust This Project's End Date in Gantt Preferences. For more information, see Gantt Preferences and Using Critical Path in Gantt.

Displays the selected option on the Gantt chart in the form of a bar. This enables a comparison between the project task start and end dates with those of the selected option. The following are displayed in the drop-down list:

  • Baseline
  • Actual Dates
Over Allocation

Shows and hides over allocation details in the Gantt chart. This button is selected by default. If it's not available in the toolbar, contact your administrator. For more information, see Project Gantt Lightning Component Properties.


For this button to be displayed, you must have Read permission for schedules, schedule exceptions, and any dependent fields. For more information, see Permissions for the Project Gantt Lightning Component.

Record Details

Shows details of the selected project task on the Task tab of the Record Details panel. An administrator controls the fields that are displayed on the Task tab. For more information, see Project Gantt Lightning Component Properties.

Details of an assigned resource are displayed on the Resources tab of the Record Details panel. For more details on the Resources tab, see Project Gantt Lightning Component Fields.

The Record Details panel stays open until you close it. To close the panel, click Close on the panel or click Record Details again. For more information on the Record Details panel, see Viewing Record Details.

Expand Expands the Gantt chart to full view. Click Contract to return it to its original size.
Filter Filters the display. Click to open and close the filter panel.

Filter Fields

By default, the Project Gantt Lightning component includes the following fields in the filter panel.


The filter panel fields can be managed by setting the required field set in the Custom Column Field Set property in the Lightning App Builder.

Fields in the Filter Panel on the Project Gantt Lightning Component
Field Description


Assigned Resource

Displays project tasks that are based on the selected assigned resources.

On a project record page: no resources selected.
External Resource Displays the external resources associated with project task assignments. On a project record page: no resources selected.
Name Displays the project tasks with the specified name. On a project record page: no project tasks selected.
Resource Roles Displays project tasks that are based on the selected roles of assigned resources.

On a project record page: no resource roles selected.

Tasks Starting Before

Tasks Ending After

The dates selected to filter tasks on Gantt on a project record.

On a project record page: no dates selected.

Task Involvement Project tasks you are assigned to, that you own, and you manage and all tasks on the projects the Product Manager manages are displayed.

On a project record page: unselected.

Task Timeline The task due timeline for tasks.

On a project record page: no timelines selected.

Filter Buttons

The Project Gantt Lightning component includes the following buttons in the filter panel.

Buttons in the Filter Panel in the Project Gantt Lightning Component
Button Description
Apply Updates the contents of the Gantt chart using the filter criteria specified.
Clear Clears the filter values that are currently selected.
Reset Returns the filter criteria to the default values.
Settings Enables users to edit, delete, and save filter sets, and set a default filter set