Resource Planner Overview


The Resource Planner and Project Planner will be deprecated in a future release. We recommend that you migrate to Work Planner, which covers many of the same workflows as the Resource Planner and Project Planner and offers the following additional features:

  • A scheduler to give you a clear, visual overview of upcoming work.
  • Enhanced support for resource requests.
  • More options for filtering and grouping work.
  • A panel that enables you to view additional details, such as logged hours and project tasks, without leaving the current page.
  • Continuous updates in future releases.

For more information, see Work Planners Overview and Using Work Planners.

The Resource Planner comprises the following:



More Information

Resource Request Panel

Displays unheld resource requests that you load into the Resource Planner to:

  • Preview and create assignments
  • Preview as assignments
Filters Panel Use a criteria to refine the number of resources. Filters Panel Overview
Resources List Displays all resources in your organizationClosed A deployment of the Salesforce/Certinia applications with a defined set of licensed users. Your organization (org) includes all of your data and applications, and is separate from all other orgs. together with their profile photos if configured by your administrator. Click to expand or contract the resource's assignments and held resource requestsClosed A resource request with a status of “held” and a schedule. The Resource field is populated.. Double-click the resource name to view the edit assignments panel. Searching for Resources or Projects

Contains assignment bars and resource summary bars, which represent assignment length, scheduled hours rolled up to the parent resource, and resource allocation indicated by a color code. A scrollable timeline shows days, weeks, months or quarters through a set time span.

Click on the resource entry to expand or contract the list of all the resource's assignmentClosed Connection between a resource and a project.s and held resource requestsClosed A resource request with a status of “held” and a schedule. The Resource field is populated.. Double-click on entries in the list of assignments or held resource requests to enter Rapid Edit mode.

Timeline Overview
Edit Assignments Panel View and edit schedules for assignments and view held resource requestsClosed A resource request with a status of “held” and a schedule. The Resource field is populated.. Edit Assignments Panel Overview

Example Resource Request Panel

You can select and load a list of unheld resource requests into Resource Planner. You can preview the details of each unheld resource request by navigating through the list you have selected to load. You can preview the schedule of each resource request before creating an assignment. You can compare a schedule against an existing assignment. You can create an assignment from a resource request.

Example Resource Planner Filters Panel

Example Resources List

Resource Availability

  • The Availability column displays a resource's availability. Availability is derived from a resource's assignment and held resource request hours. Availability displays as either a percentage of the resource's overall availability, or in hours, based on your user preferences.
  • When you save changes in Resource Planner that alter resource availability, reload Resource Planner to view the changes in the Availability column. Availability values that change when you save will display as blank until you click Reload.

Incomplete Utilization Indicators

  • If resources do not have utilization records for the entire date range that displays, only partial availability displays in the Availability column. A warning indicator displays in the header.
  • If a resource does not have any associated utilization records, a hyphen displays in the Availability column instead of Availability data and a warning indicator displays in the header.
  • Click on the warning indicator to see a message indicating the error condition.

Controlling Resource Availability Display

Example Timeline

Resource Summary Color Code

The following table shows color coding examples in Day view. You can use color coding statuses to review the allocation levels of resources.

Bar Color Description
Under allocated resource. Total hours for all assignments and held resource requests are currently zero or lower than the resource's work calendarClosed A calendar that defines the working days, hours and public holidays for a resource, region, practice or group. hours or the threshold defined in the Lower Summary Bar Threshold Limit preference.
Correctly allocated resource. Total hours for all assignments and held resource requests currently match the resource's work calendar hours or are within the thresholds defined in the Lower Summary Bar Threshold Limit and Upper Summary Bar Threshold Limit preferences.
Over allocated resource. Total hours for all assignments and held resource requests currently exceed the resource's work calendar hours or the threshold defined in the Upper Summary Bar Threshold Limit preference.
Non-working days, such as weekends, public holidays, federal holidays, and so on for which the resource has zero assigned hours. These are derived from the resource's work calendar.
Daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly hours for the assignment.
Previewed assignment for a resource.
One or more previewed assignments for a resource.