Using Work Planners

Work planners enable you to plan project work easily by viewing:

  • Assignments and resource requests (you can use the options in the toolbar to group the assignments and resource requests, for example by project or by resource).
  • Resource details and scheduled work.
  • Resource allocations.
  • Company holidays.

The work planners available are tailored to your job role so that you can view and manage the information that is relevant to you.

The Work Planner page is designed for use by resource managers. The data fills the entire page, making it easier to view a large number of projects, assignments, and resource requests. To view the page, do one of the following:

  • Select Work Planner from the App Launcher.
  • Navigate to the customized Work Planner page created by your administrator, if available.

Work planners for other roles are made available by your administrator:

  • Line Manager Work Planner
  • Project Manager Work Planner: this work planner is also part of the Project Management workspace
  • Resource Work Planner
  • Work Planner on a project record: this is referred to as Record Work Planner
  • Work Planner in Experience Cloud Site sites

For more information, see Setting up Work Planners, Setting up the Work Planner for PSA Experience Cloud Sites, or contact your administrator.

The work planners contain the following views:

  • Allocation: This is the default view and shows assignments and resource requests by project, resource, or RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. over the default date range or the date range specified in the Filters panel. Also shows the number of scheduled hours a resource is due to work on the corresponding assignment or resource request and indicates if a resource is allocated within the planned allocation range, under allocated, or over allocated. You can update the scheduled hours displayed to make sure resources carry out the right amount of work at the right time. For more information, see Updating the Hours a Resource is Scheduled to Work and Determining Resource Allocation.
  • Scheduler: Shows assignments and resource requests grouped by project, resource, or RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. over time. The scheduler gives a good overview of what a resource is due to work on at a particular time. You can quickly reschedule the assignments and resource requests by dragging them forward or backward to change their start and end dates. For more information, see Changing the Dates of Assignments and Resource Requests.

Filtered resources that do not have any assignments or held resource requests are displayed in these views without schedules or hours.

  • You can use filters to reduce the amount of data displayed and focus on what you want to view. For more information, see Filtering the Data.
  • To reduce the amount of data displayed in work planners, assignment, resource, and resource request records with Exclude from Planners selected are not displayed.
  • The maximum number of resources displayed is 2000, including empty resources and the resources on assignments and resource requests.

For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.

Icons and Color Coding

The following color coding is used on the bars in the Scheduler view:

  • Green: Project.
  • Orange: Unheld resource request.
  • Orange border filled with orange: Draft assignment, draft held resource request.
  • Blue border filled with white: Held resource request.
  • Blue border filled with blue: Assignment.
  • Gray border filled with white: When grouping by RPG, this is displayed in the top row of each group to make it easier for you to identify the parent RPG of the records you are viewing.

On the Allocation view:

  • Cells shaded gray indicate a resource's non-working time and holidays, using the resource's associated work calendar.
  • Over allocated indicates that the resource is over allocated within the time period.
  • Correctly allocated indicates that the resource is scheduled to work the planned number of hours in the time period.
  • Under allocated indicates that the resource is under allocated within the time period.
  • Company holiday indicates a company holiday. The color of this icon changes to match the allocation status for various groupings and zoom levels.
  • Italics indicate resource request values that were calculated using a schedule PSA has generated. This happens when resource requests contain requested hours but have no schedule specified in the Preferred Schedule field. PSA uses a resource’s work calendar to identify working days for the generated schedule. If there are no working days available or if there is no work calendar, PSA generates a schedule that splits the requested hours equally across the weekdays. If there are no weekdays available, PSA generates a schedule that splits the hours across all days, including weekends.
  • The following icons help you to differentiate between the different records displayed:
    • Assignment Assignment
    • Unheld resource request Unheld resource request
    • Held resource request Held resource request
  • You can customize the color bars for assignments and resource requests. By default, color bars for assignments and resource requests are not displayed. Customizing the color bars enables you to set categories for assignments and resource requests so that you can make resourcing decisions more efficiently.
  • You can configure the colors displayed in the Types of Work Colors section in the Preferences panel.
  • For more information, see Customizing Colors in the Resource, Project, and Work Planners.

For more information, see Updating the Hours a Resource is Scheduled to Work and Determining Resource Allocation.

Switching Views

To switch from one view to another, take the appropriate action:

  • Select Scheduler from the Change View button menu.
  • Select Allocation from the Change View button menu.

You can change the zoom level between Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, and Years. On the Allocation view, you can only edit the hourly values when using the Days and Weeks zoom levels.


The Restrict Edit Schedules in Past Date Lightning component property restricts the editing of schedules for assignments and resource requests when the date is in the past.

  • In the Allocation view, it prevents you from entering schedules for assignments and resource requests with a date in the past.
  • In the Scheduler view, it prevents you from selecting schedules when you drag the scheduler bar to a date in the past.

Viewing Record Details

To view the details of an assignment, project, resource, resource request without leaving the work planner, do one of the following in the Allocation or Scheduler view:

  • Double-click the record.
  • Select the record, and then click Record Details.
  • Right-click the record or use your keyboard to select the record, and then click View Details from the contextual menu.

The details are displayed in the Record Details panel.

To view details of any records that are related to the currently selected record, you can switch between the tabs on the Resource Details panel. For example, if you are viewing the details of a held resource request, you can easily switch to the Resource and Project tabs to view details of the related resource and project records.

To hide the Record Details panel, click Close on the panel or click Record Details again.


If the field sets are selected from the Resource Custom Column and Project Custom Column Field Sets Lightning component properties, these fields are displayed with the default fields in the resource and project groups. For RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. groups, only the default fields are displayed in the work planner .

For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

For more information, see Viewing Record Details.

Grouping Assignments and Resource Requests

To group assignments and resource requests on a work planner, select the appropriate grouping option from the toolbar:

  • Resource
  • Project
  • Region
  • Practice
  • Group

When grouping assignment and resource request records by region, practice, or group, PSA uses the following criteria in the order shown to determine an assignment or resource request record’s RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group.:

  1. The RPG set on the relevant resource.
  2. The RPG set on the resource request, for resource request records.
  3. The RPG set on the associated project.

If there is no RPG set on any of the above, the record is placed in a grouping called No Region, No Practice, or No Group, as appropriate.

In the top row of each RPG group in the scheduler, a white box with a gray border is displayed to make it easier for you to identify the parent RPG of the records you are viewing.

When grouping resource requests by Resource or Project, if there is no resource or project set on the resource request, the record is placed in a grouping called No Resource or No Project, as appropriate.


If the field sets are selected from the Resource Custom Column and Project Custom Column Field Sets Lightning component properties, these fields are displayed with the default fields in the resource and project groups. For RPGClosed Abbreviation of region, practice, group. groups, only the default fields are displayed in the work planner .

For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

Filtering the Data

You can use the Filters panel to reduce the amount of content displayed. Depending on the work planner you are using, the Filters panel defaults to the following:

  • Line Manager Work Planner:

    • The resource associated with your Salesforce user.
    • The resources with your name in the Reports To field on their contact record.
  • Project Manager Work Planner:

    • Any projects where the current user is set as the project manager.
    • Any projects the current user is assigned to.
    • Any projects where the current user is a held resource.
  • Record Work Planner:

    • The current project record.
    • The start and end date that your administrator has set.
  • Resource Work Planner: The resource associated with your Salesforce user.
  • Work Planner page for resource managers: The filtered data for the region, practice, and group of the resource associated with your Salesforce user.

The details of the filters you have used are displayed in the work planner toolbar.


The Apply, Clear, and Reset buttons are displayed in the Filter panel based on your activity.

  • If you make any changes in the filter values, then the Apply and Reset buttons are displayed.
  • The Reset and Clear buttons display alternatively based on your actions performed.
  • Some fields in the filters panel are unavailable in the Record Work Planner. For more information, see Filter Fields.

To filter the content:

  1. Click Filter to open the Filters panel. The filters you last used are retained if you are using the same browser on the same device.
  2. In the General Filters section:

    1. Specify the date range by which you want to filter. The default date range starts 7 days earlier and ends 28 days later than today. To set a different default date range according to your requirements, contact your administrator.
    2. [Optional] Select Hide Zero Hour Commitments if you do not want to display assignments or resource requests containing zero hours.
    3. [Optional] Select Exclude Assignments if you do not want to display assignments.
    4. [Optional] Select Exclude Unheld Resource Requests if you do not want to display unheld resource requests.
    5. [Optional] Select Exclude Held Resource Requests if you do not want to display held resource requests.
  3. [Optional] In the Filter by Resource section:

    1. Search for and select the resources you want to include in the work planner.
    2. Search for and select the regions, practices, or groups for the resources.
    3. To filter resources by skills and certifications in the Skills section, click Edit Skill Filters. For more information, see Filtering a List of Resources by Skills and Certifications.
  4. [Optional] In the Filter by Project section:

    1. Search for and select the additional projects you want to include.
    2. Search for and select the regions, practices, or groups you want to include.
    3. In the Is Billable field drop-down, select the required preference to display billable or non-billable projects.
  5. [Optional] In the Filter by Assignment section:

    1. Search for and select the additional assignments you want to include.
    2. In the Is Billable field drop-down, select the required preference to display billable or non-billable assignments.
  6. [Optional] In the Filter by Resource Request section:

    1. Search for and select the regions, practices, or groups you want to include.
    2. Search for and select the opportunities to display the related resource requests.
  7. Click Apply. The content displayed reflects the selected filters.


    After you click Apply, then both the Reset and Clear buttons display.

  8. [Optional] Click Down arrow | Reset to reset the Filters panel to its default values.

    After you click Reset, then only the Clear button displays.

  9. [Optional] Click Down arrow | Clear to clear all fields in the Filters panel except the Start Date and End Date fields. The date range must be valid for the Clear button to work. The data is also cleared from the work planner.

    After you click Clear, then only the Reset button displays.

  10. [Optional] Click Filter to close the Filters panel.
  • By default, the Include Sub-Regions, Include Sub-Practices, and Include Sub-Groups checkbox is selected for the Region, Practice, and Group respectively. You can deselect the checkboxes if you want to avoid filtering the resources using sub-levels.
  • The Include Sub-Regions, Include Sub-Practices, and Include Sub-Groups preferences are saved for the next time you open the work planner.
  • If there are too many assignments and resource requests to show, a message is displayed so you can change the filters to reduce the number of records returned. Records are displayed in start date order, which means any records that cannot be shown are missing from the foot of the Allocation view.
  • When you open the Filters panel:

    • Only the Clear button is visible in the drop-down menu.
    • When you make any valid changes on the Filters panel, the Apply, Clear and Reset buttons are visible. If there are one or more invalid changes, you are not allowed to apply the changes.
    • When you apply the changes, only the Clear and Reset buttons are visible.
    • When you clear the changes, only the Reset button is visible.
    • When you reset, only the Clear button is visible.

For details of the criteria PSA uses to determine an assignment or resource request record’s RPG, see Grouping Assignments and Resource Requests.

You can use these filter sections in combination to find the required results in a work planner:

  • To see the unheld resource requests use a combination of filters in the General Filters, Filter by Resource Request, and Filter by Project.
  • To see the held resource requests use a combination of filters in the General Filters, Filter by Resource Request, Filter by Resource, and Filter by Project.
  • To see assignments use a combination of filters in the General Filters, Filter by Assignment, Filter by Resource, and Filter by Project.
  • An administrator can override the fields displayed in the filter sections using field sets in the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.
  • An administrator can update the start date and end date offset to set the default date range. Contact your administrator to update.
  • The sub-level filtering option is also included in the custom RPG fields added to the field sets to override the default RPG fields in the Filter by Resource Request, Filter by Resource, and Filter by Project sections.
  • Field types that are not supported in work planner filters: date/time, phone, email, text area, text area long, text area rich, time, encrypted, and multi-picklist.
  • The fields in the General Filters are not configurable.
  • The field sets for Filter by Resource, Filter by Assignment, Filter by Project, and Filter by Resource Request sections can override the default fields in those sections.
  • If the field sets overriding the fields in the Filter by Assignment and Filter by Project sections contain the Start Date and End Date fields, then the Start Date and End Date fields will not be displayed as they are already included in the General Filters.
  • When overriding the fields in the Filter by Resource section, if the field sets contain the Start Date and Last Date fields, then those fields are not visible as they are already included in the General Filters.
  • Similarly, when overriding the fields in the Filter by Resource Request section, if the field sets contain the Start Date, End Date, and Resource Held fields, then those fields are not visible as they are already included in the General Filters.
  • An administrator must assign you the PSA - View Work Planner permission set and Skill or Certification Rating object read permission to use the Skills in the Filter by Resource section.
  • After overriding the fields in the Filter by Resource section, the Skills section is not displayed.
  • The resource and project name fields will always be visible in their respective Filter by Resource and Filter by Project sections only, even when they are used for overriding fields in other filter sections.
  • If Exclude from Planners is selected on a contact, the associated resource is not displayed in the Filter by Resource section.

Saving your Filters

You can save your filter selection by assigning them a unique name. By saving your filter selection, you can quickly apply the same set of filters without manually configuring them each time you open the Filters panel.

To save your filters:

  1. Click Filter to open the Filters panel.
  2. Select the filters you want to save.
  3. Click Down arrow Save As. The Save Filter window opens.
  4. In the Filter Name field, enter a unique name for your filter.
  5. [Optional] Select the Save as Default checkbox if you want to save it as your default filter.
  6. Click Save. The filters are saved in the Saved Filters drop-down list.
  7. [Optional] Click Reset to clear all the filters applied in the Filters panel.
  • When using field sets to add or remove fields displayed in the filter sections for saved filters, an error might be displayed for outdated values.
  • The state of saved and default filter sets fields is maintained, when using field sets in the Lightning App Builder.
  • If a filter set contains a field value that does not exist on the user interface (UI), that filter set is considered invalid.
  • The work planner is always filtered by the locally saved, last-applied filters until you choose to save a filter as default. However, the locally saved last applied filters will be retained, if you are using the same browser on the same computer.
  • Once you save a filter as default, regardless of refreshing or reloading the work planner, you will consistently view the data filtered by the default filter that you have applied.
  • The Start Date and End Date fields are excluded from the saved filters. When you use your saved or default filter set for filtering, the Start Date and End Date fields show the default dates defined in the Lightning App Builder options of the Work Planner.

Using Filter Set Controls

To access the filter set controls, click . The following options are available:

  • Set as Default: Select this option to set the selected filter from the Saved Filters drop-down list as your default filter.
  • Remove Default: This option is only available if the filter currently selected in the Saved Filters drop-down list is your default filter. Select this option if you want to remove the default setting from the selected filter.
  • Edit: Select this option to edit the selected filter. To edit the saved filter:
    1. Select Edit. The Edit Filter window opens.
    2. [Optional] In the Filter Name field, enter the name of the filter you want to rename it to.
    3. [Optional] Select or deselect the Save as Default checkbox according to your preferences.
  • Delete: Select this option to delete the selected filter from the list of Saved Filters.

You can save up to 50 filters in the Saved Filters list.

Updating the Hours a Resource is Scheduled to Work


To update values on the Allocation view, your administrator must have assigned you the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set.

To update the number of hours a resource is scheduled to work:

  1. Select Allocation from the Change View button menu and check the zoom level is set to Days or Weeks.
  2. Navigate to the relevant date. If the date you want is not displayed, select and apply the appropriate date range using the Filters panel.
  3. Double-click the value you want to change.
  4. Type the new value and press Enter.
  5. [Optional] Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to update other values in the Allocation view.
  6. [Optional] If you change your mind, click Reload then Discard and Continue to return to the last saved state.
  7. Click Save.

If your administrator has selected the Restrict Edit Schedule in Past Date component property, you cannot edit the schedule for an assignment or a resource request for a date that is in the past.

Copying Schedule Values

You can drag a cell or range of cells to copy their contents to other cells in the grid. This enables you to extend or shorten multiple schedules associated with assignments or resource requests.

To extend or shorten the schedules associated with assignments or resource requests:

  1. Open the Allocation view from the Change View button menu and check the zoom level is set to Days or Weeks.
  2. Click the arrow in the Name column to expand the list of assignments and resource requests.
  3. Click and drag the bottom-right corner of one or more cells and drop them into other cells. If you drag more than one cell, the pattern of the cell values will be copied into the corresponding cells accordingly.
  4. Click Save.

If you drag an assignment or resource request and then change your mind, click The Reload button. to return to the last saved state.


You cannot copy cell values in the following scenarios:

  • When dragging into or across cells that are read-only.
  • When dragging read-only cells.
  • When dragging empty cells to the start or end of a schedule, or past the start or end of a schedule. This would cause the schedule to be removed.
  • When dragging empty cells vertically. You can drag empty cells horizontally to shorten the schedule.
  • When dragging a combination of empty and populated cells.
  • If your administrator has selected the Restrict Edit Schedule in Past Date Lightning component property, you cannot edit the schedule for an assignment or a resource request for a date that is in the past.
  • When dragging vertically from one record to another. For example, when you group the data by project, you cannot copy cell values from one project to another.
  • When you are not on the Days or Weeks view.
  • If your administrator has not assigned you the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set.

If you add or update an hourly value from the Weeks zoom level, the following rules apply:

  • If the relevant resource has an associated work calendar, the value is split equally across all working days in the given week.
  • If the relevant resource has an associated work calendar but there are no working days in the given week, the value is split equally across Monday to Friday.
  • If the relevant resource has an associated work calendar containing a holiday, the value is split equally across the working days in the given week.
  • If the relevant resource has no associated work calendar, the value is split equally across Monday to Friday.

You cannot edit hourly values displayed in italics. Italics indicate resource request values that are calculated using a schedule generated by PSA because the resource request does not have a schedule specified in the Preferred Schedule field.

For more information on values displayed in italics, see Icons and Color Coding.

The total number of hours for each group of projects or resources is displayed in the top row of each group in the grid. The total number of hours on the schedule for the associated assignment or resource request is displayed in the Total Hrs column. This value reflects the total scheduled hours for the associated assignment or resource request across the entire schedule, not just the days specified in the filter criteria.


To extend the start or end date of a resource’s schedule, update the hours outside the scheduled date range.

To expand or collapse a row in the grid, press Enter.

To move forward through the cells in the grid using your keyboard, press Tab. To move backward, press Shift + Tab. If you are using Apple Safari, ensure that you have "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" enabled in your browser settings.

If you update a value and then change your mind before clicking Save:

  • If you have not moved away from the cell, press Escape to restore the original value.
  • If you have moved away from the cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state.

Creating Assignments

To create an assignment from the Allocation or Scheduler view:


To create assignments you must have the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set and the Staffing permission control assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.

  1. Click Create Assignment. The Create Assignment window opens.
  2. In the Select Project field, select a project and click Next. Only active projects that have Staffing permission control assigned are available for selection.
  3. Complete the fields to create an assignment. Only active resources are available for selection. For more information, see Assignment Information and Schedule Details.
  4. To create a custom schedule:
    1. Enter the hours for each day. You must enter hours for at least one day.
    2. In the Repeat Every field, enter a number. The schedule repeats at that number of weeks. The default value is 1. For example, if you enter 4 in the Repeat Every field, the pattern from week 1 is repeated on week 5, week 9, and so on for the duration of the assignment.
    3. Click Refresh End Date to update the Projected End Date field.
  1. Click Create. A draft assignment is created.
  2. [Optional] Drag the cloned draft assignment to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  3. Click Save on the Work Planner to save the draft assignment.
  4. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  5. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.
Check Setup | Apex Jobs after saving a draft assignment or click Reload button to update the new schedule.
An administrator can use the Assign Resource To Project Custom Fields field set on the Assignment object to customize the fields displayed in the Create Assignment window. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.
  • The draft assignment is not visible in a work planner when the selected resource or project is not available on the Allocation or Scheduler views.
  • If there is an existing draft assignment for a resource and you try to create another for the same resource using the Calculate End Date, Level Schedule scheduling strategy with either the start date or end date falling between the same date range as the existing one, it means the two draft assignments overlap. It is recommended that you either change the selected scheduling strategy or change the draft assignment start date or end date so it does not fall between the same date range.
  • When you click Create Assignment, draft assignments display no color bars until they are saved.

Cloning Assignments


To clone assignments you must have the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set and the Staffing permission control assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.

To clone an assignment from the Allocation or Scheduler view:

  1. Right-click the assignment and select Clone Assignment. The Clone Assignment window opens, displaying the name of the assignment to be cloned and the current resource in the Assignment Details section.
  2. In the New Resource for Cloned Assignment section, do the following:
    1. [Optional] Filter the resources using the Filter by Resource Role field. The resource role is not required for cloning assignments and is made available for filter purposes only.
    2. Enter the first few words of the resource name and select a resource for the new draft assignment. The resources with Staffing permission control assigned are available for selection.
    3. When the filter is applied, the resources filtered by that role with staffing permission are displayed.

  3. [Optional] In the Edit Assignment Name section, enter a name for the new assignment in the Assignment Name field. If you don't enter an assignment name, the new assignment name defaults to the project name - the new resource name.
  1. Click Clone. A draft assignment is created.
  2. [Optional] Drag the draft assignment to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  3. Click Save on the Work Planner to save the draft assignment.
  4. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  5. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.
  • The draft assignment is not visible in the work planner when the selected resource is unavailable on the Allocation or Scheduler view.
  • When you split, swap, or clone an assignment, draft assignments display the same color bars as their parent assignments.

Creating Resource Requests

To create a resource request from the Allocation or Scheduler view:


To create resource requests, you must have the following:

  • PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set.
  • Either the Resource Request Entry permission control assigned to the region, practice, or group, or a Salesforce user defined on the contact record.

For more information, contact your administrator.

  1. Click Create Resource Request. The Create Resource Request window opens.
  2. Complete the fields in the Information section. For more information, see Resource Request Details Fields.
  3. In the Schedule Selection section, select a scheduling strategy for the request. Also, the resource request must have a work calendar, which you set on the region, practice, or group.

    • If you select Calculate End Date, Ignore Availability, the read-only Projected End Date field is displayed.
    • By default for the Custom strategy, the pattern of daily hours that you enter is repeated every week for the duration of the resource request. To create a custom schedule:

      • Enter the hours for each day.
      • In the Repeat Every field, enter a number. The schedule repeats at that number of weeks. The default value is 1. For example, if you enter 4 in the Repeat Every field, the pattern from week 1 is repeated on week 5, week 9, and so on for the duration of the assignment.
      • Click Refresh End Date to update the Projected End Date field.
  4. In the Skills Selection section, select the skill, certification, or skill set. By default, Skill or Certification is selected in the picklist.
  5. Click the lookup to search and select the skill, certification, or skill set to add.
  6. [Optional] Click Show All Results for " ". The Select Skill or Certification window opens with the searched string in the Search field, and all the related items are displayed in the grid.
  7. [Optional] Select the skill, certification, or skill set from the grid and click Select.
  8. Click Edit to edit the Minimum Rating field.
  9. Click Create. A draft resource request is created.
  10. [Optional] Drag the draft resource request to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  11. Click Save on the Work Planner to save the draft resource request.
  12. [Optional] Double-click the saved resource request to open the Record Details panel.
  13. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  14. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.

An administrator can use the Create Resource Request Custom Fields field set to customize the fields displayed in the Create Resource Request window. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

  • The created resource requests will always be unheld with no resource held.
  • Double-clicking a draft resource request will not open the Record Details panel.
  • If you open the Record Details panel by double-clicking a saved resource request and then select a draft resource request while the panel is still open, only project details are shown in the Record Details panel for the draft resource request.
  • Resource requests that are created against an opportunity and do not have any project associated are grouped under No Project.
  • To view the Skills Selection section, you must have the Skill or Certification Rating object permission assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.
  • When you click Create Resource Request, draft resource requests display no color bars until they are saved.

Cloning Resource Requests

To clone a resource request from the Allocation or Scheduler view:


To clone resource requests, you must have the following:

  • PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set.
  • Either the Resource Request Entry permission control assigned for the Region, Practice, or Group or a Salesforce User defined on the Contact.

For more information, contact your administrator.

  1. Right-click the resource request and select Clone Resource Request. The Clone Resource Request window opens displaying the details of the selected resource request in the Resource Request Details section.
  2. Complete the fields in the Resource Request Details section. For more information, see Resource Request Details Fields.
  3. [Optional] In the Clone Related Records section, select the Clone the Preferred Schedule checkbox to use the preferred schedule from the original resource request.
  4. [Optional] In the Clone Related Records section, select the checkbox if you want to clone all the Requested Skills for this resource request.
  5. Click Clone. A draft resource request is created.
  6. [Optional] Drag the draft resource request to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  7. Click Save on the Work Planner to save the draft resource request.
  8. [Optional] Double-click the saved resource request to open the Record Details panel.

An administrator can use the Clone Resource Request Custom Fields field set to customize the fields displayed in the Clone Resource Request window. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

  • Cloned resource requests are always unheld even when they are cloned from held resource requests.
  • Double-clicking a draft resource request does not open the Record Details panel.
  • If you open the Record Details panel by double-clicking a saved resource request and then select a draft resource request while the panel is still open, only project details are shown in the Record Details panel for the draft resource request.
  • Resource requests that are cloned against an opportunity and do not have any project associated are grouped under No Project.
  • When you split, swap, or clone a resource request, draft resource requests display the same color bars as their parent resource requests.

Swapping Resources from Assignments

To swap a resource with a new resource from an existing assignment, you must have the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set and the Staffing permission control assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.

To swap a resource from the Allocation or Scheduler view:

  1. Right-click an assignment and select Swap Resource. The Swap Resource window opens, displaying the selected assignment's details in the Current Information section and the new resource details in the Swap Resource section.
  2. Perform the following steps:

    1. [Optional] Filter the resources using the Filter by Resource Role field.
    2. In the Select Resource Name field, enter the first few letters of the resource name and select an active resource from the displayed list for the new resource request. The Region field is automatically populated.
  3. Click Swap.
  4. [Optional] Drag and drop the draft assignment to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  5. Click Save on the Work Planner to save the draft assignment.
  6. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  7. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.

You cannot swap resources for assignments associated with timecards or expenses.

Splitting to a New Assignment

To split an assignment to a new assignment, you must have the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set and the Staffing permission control assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.

To split to a new assignment from the Allocation or Scheduler view:

  1. Right-click an assignment and select Split to New Assignment. The Split to New Assignment window opens, displaying the selected assignment's details in the Current Information section and the new resource details in the Split to New Assignment section.
  2. Perform the following steps:

    1. [Optional] Filter the resources using the Filter by Resource Role field.
    2. In the Select Resource Name field, enter the first few letters of the resource name and select an active resource from the displayed list for the new resource request. The Region field is automatically populated.
    3. In the Start Date of Split field, enter a valid date to split the assignment. The date must be between the assignment's start and end dates.
  3. Click Split.
  4. [Optional] Drag and drop the draft assignment to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  5. Click Save to save the draft assignment.
  6. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  7. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.

You cannot split assignments for assignments associated with timecards or expenses.

Swapping Resources from Resource Requests

To swap a resource with a new resource from an existing resource request, you must have the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set and the Staffing permission control assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.

To swap a resource from the Allocation or Scheduler view:

  1. Right-click a resource request and select Swap Resource. The Swap Resource window opens, displaying the selected resource request's details in the Current Information section and the new resource details in the Swap Resource section.
  2. Perform the following steps:

    1. [Optional] Filter the resources using the Filter by Resource Role field.
    2. In the Select Resource Name field, enter the first few letters of the resource name and select an active resource from the displayed list for the new resource request. The Region field is automatically populated.
  3. Click Swap.
  4. [Optional] Drag and drop the draft resource request to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  5. Click Save to save the draft resource request.
  6. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  7. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.

You cannot swap resources on unheld resource requests.

Splitting a Resource Request to a New Held Resource Request

To split a resource request with a new resource request, you must have the Resource Request Entry permission assigned. For more information, contact your administrator.

To split a resource request from the Allocation or Scheduler view:

  1. Right-click a resource request and select Split to New Held Resource Request. The Split to New Held Resource Request window opens, displaying the selected resource request's details in the Current Information section and the new resource details in the Split to New Held Resource Request section, and the cloning schedule details in the Clone Related Records section.
  2. Perform the following steps:

    1. [Optional] Filter the resources using the Filter by Resource Role field.
    2. In the Select Resource Name field, enter the first few letters of the resource name and select an active resource from the displayed list for the resource request. The Region field is automatically populated.
    3. In the Start Date of Split field, enter a valid date to split the resource request schedule. The date must be between the resource request schedule's start and end dates.
  3. Click Split.
  4. [Optional] Drag and drop the draft resource request to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  5. Click Save to save the draft resource request.
  6. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  7. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.

You cannot split resources on unheld resource requests.

Splitting an Assignment to a New Resource Request


To split an assignment to a new resource request, you must have the following:

  • PSA - View Work Planner permission set.
  • Staffing permission control.
  • Either the Resource Request Entry permission control assigned for the Region, Practice, or Group or a Salesforce User defined on the Contact.

For more information, contact your administrator.

To split an assignment to a resource request from the Allocation or Scheduler view:

  1. Right-click an assignment and select Split to New Resource Request.The Split to New Resource Request window opens, displaying the selected assignment's details in the Current Information section, the new resource request details in the Split to New Resource Request section, and the schedule and skills related details in the Schedule and Skills section.
  • If a resource request is associated with the assignment, the following fields are populated automatically with details from the resource request:
    • Project
    • Opportunity
    • Suggested Resource
    • Resource Role
  • If no resource request is associated with the assignment, the RPG and Opportunity fields are populated with details from the project on the assignment.
  • Any project task assignments that are associated with the assignment are not split when splitting the assignment to a new resource request.
  • The custom fields are populated from the field set selected from the Create Resource Request Custom Fields Field Set Lightning component property.
  1. In the Start Date field, enter a valid date to split the assignment schedule.
  2. Note:

    The start date must be after the assignment's start date, but before the assignment's end date. The current assignment ends the day before the start date that you enter.

  3. In the End Date field, enter a valid date for the new resource request. The end date of the assignment is populated.


    The end date must be a date after the assignment's start date. The end date of the selected assignment is calculated as:

    End Date = Start Date of the Resource Request - 1

    For example, if you have an assignment with a start date of January 1, 2025, and an end date of January 31, 2025, and you want to split this assignment into a new resource request on January 11, 2025, the selected assignment ends on January 10, 2025, and a draft resource request is created with a start date of January 11, 2025, and an end date of January 31, 2025.

  4. In the Requested Hours field, enter a valid value for the new resource request or consider using the populated value.


    The requested hours populate for a resource request when valid start and end dates are provided. If the resource request's end date is after the assignment's end date, the requested hours are recalculated up to the assignment's end date.

  5. In the Suggested Resource field, enter the first few letters of the resource name and select an active resource from the displayed list for the new resource request.
  6. In the Resource Role field, the value is populated from the resource request on the assignment. You can either consider this or select from the list.
  7. Select the Create Schedule from Existing Schedule checkbox to create a preferred schedule. The existing schedule on the assignment ends and the new schedule starts from the date when the assignment is split.


    A new preferred schedule is created for the new resource request which is copied from the schedule of the assignment. The work calendar on the RPG is not considered. If the new resource request's end date is after the assignment's end date, this schedule has the new resource request's start date and the current assignment's end date.

  8. Select the Clone Requested Skills checkbox to clone the skills from the selected resource. The skills are cloned only if the resource request is associated with the assignment.
  9. Click Split.
  10. [Optional] Drag the draft resource request to a new start date on the scheduler to reschedule it.
  11. Click Save to save the draft resource request.
  12. [Optional] If you have moved away from a cell or changed more than one value, click Reload to return to the last saved state. The Unsaved Changes window opens.
  13. Click Continue Editing, Discard and Continue, or Save and Continue as required.

You cannot split or swap resources on unheld resource requests. You cannot split an assignment if it is associated with timecards or expenses after the selected start date on which the assignment is split. You can edit the schedules for the new resource request, if the Restrict Edit Schedules in Past Date Lightning component property is selected.

Changing the Dates of Assignments and Resource Requests

  • To update assignments and resource requests on the scheduler view, your administrator must have assigned you the PSA - Edit Work Planner permission set.
  • To edit schedules for assignments and resource requests for a date that is in the past, your administrator must deselect the Restrict Edit Schedule in Past Date Lightning component property.

To update the dates of assignments or resource requests from a work planner:

  1. Select Scheduler from the Change View button menu.
  2. Drag the resource request or assignment to a new start date. Although schedules are preserved where possible, the end date might be recalculated to take account of non-working days.
  3. Click Save.
  4. [Optional] Hover over the assignment or resource request to view the updated start and end dates.

If you drag an assignment or resource request and then change your mind, click The Reload button. to return to the last saved state.

Determining Resource Allocation

PSA uses a resource's associated work calendar to determine whether the resource is scheduled to work the right number of hours. For more information on work calendars, see About Time Periods, Work Calendars, and Holidays.

The following coloring and graphics are displayed in the Allocation view when grouping by resource:

  • If a resource has zero hours on their work calendar for a particular period of time (for example, day or week), the relevant cell is shaded in gray to indicate non-working time or a holiday.
  • Over allocated is displayed in the cell next to the value if a resource is over allocated.
  • If the total value exceeds a resource's work calendar hours for the corresponding period of time (for example, day or week) taking holidays into account, the following icons are displayed in the cell containing the summary value:
    • Over allocated indicates that the corresponding resource is over allocated.
    • Correctly allocated indicates that the corresponding resource is scheduled to work the planned number of hours.
    • Under allocated indicates that the corresponding resource is under allocated.

    If there is a holiday within a cell's time period, the company holiday icon changes color to reflect these allocation statuses.


Correctly allocated and Under allocated are displayed next to the summary value only and not in the cells that correspond to individual assignments or resource requests. That is because the relevant resource might be scheduled to work on more than one assignment or resource request during the corresponding period of time (for example, day or week).

If you have the required permissions, you can:

  • Double-click a value and change it. Alternatively, you can switch to the scheduler view and drag a bar to change the start date. However, if the Restrict Edit Schedule in Past Date Lightning component property is selected, you cannot edit the schedule for assignments and resource requests for a date that is in the past. For more information, see Changing the Dates of Assignments and Resource Requests.
  • Select the Utilization Target checkbox to use each resource's utilization target with the allocation thresholds that you have set to calculate whether they are over or under allocated. For more information, see Allocation Thresholds Including the Utilization Target.

Setting Display Preferences

The Preferences panel relates to the Allocation view, and enables you to:

  • Set the limits for the display of resource allocation statuses.
  • Show the resource allocation statuses using cell colors or icons.
  • Change the colors of the cell or icons to show resource allocation statuses.
  • Use each resource's utilization target and the allocation values to calculate the allocation colors.
  • View the mapping of configured colors for assignments and resource requests in the Types of Work Colors section.

To open the Preferences panel and set the display preferences:

  1. Click Preferences panel button..
  2. In the Less Than and Greater Than fields, enter the percentage values that you want to use to calculate the resource work allocations. The Planned Allocation Range is populated with your values to indicate the range for the optimal allocation.
  3. [Optional] Select the Use Cell Shading checkbox to color the grid cells instead of using the graphics to indicate each resource's allocation status.
  4. [Optional] Select the Show Totals as Percentages checkbox to show the top-level totals for resources in the Allocation view as percentages.

    If the Use Utilization Target checkbox is also selected, the percentages are calculated relative to the utilization target value. For more information, see Allocation Thresholds Including the Utilization Target

  5. [Optional] Select the Use Utilization Target checkbox to use the resource's utilization target in the calculation. For more information, see Allocation Thresholds Including the Utilization Target.
  6. Click Apply.
Note: In the Preferences panel:
  • When you open the panel for the first time, no buttons are visible.
  • When you make valid changes to the panel, the Apply and Reset buttons are visible.
  • When you apply the changes, only the Reset button is visible.
  • When you reset, no buttons are visible.

You can configure the colors displayed in the Types of Work Colors section in the Preferences panel. For more information, see Customizing Colors in the Resource, Project, and Work Planners.

If the resource's allocation is below the Less Than value, the resource is under allocated for that day, week, month, and so on. If the resource's allocation is above the Greater Than value, the resource is over allocated.

The calculation for the allocation thresholds is:

Work calendar hours * Planned allocation (Less Than or Greater Than value) = Allocation threshold


Example for weekly hours:

  • A resource's weekly work calendar hours = 40
  • Less Than value = 50%
  • Greater Than value = 80%

The calculation uses decimal values, so for these values the calculations are:

  • Under allocated: 40 * 0.50 = 20 hours
  • Over allocated: 40 * 0.80 = 32 hours

Therefore, the planned allocation for these resources is 20 to 32 hours per week, and the relevant graphics and colors are applied in the Allocation view to indicate the under allocation, planned allocation range, and over allocation of resources.

Allocation Thresholds Including the Utilization Target

When you select the Utilization Target checkbox, each resource's utilization target is used with the allocation percentages to calculate the resource's allocation status.

The utilization target is set on the Contact object for each resource and is a percentage of the resource's weekly work calendar hours. When this utilization target is used, the Less Than and Greater Than percentages are relative to the utilization target percentage when calculating the resource's hours.

The calculation for the allocation thresholds using the utilization target is:

Work calendar hours * Utilization target * Planned allocation (Less Than or Greater Than value) = Allocation threshold


For weekly hours:

  • A resource's weekly work calendar hours = 40
  • A resource's utilization target = 75% (30 hours)
  • Less Than value = 50%
  • Greater Than value = 80%

The calculation uses decimal values, so for these values the calculations are:

  • Under allocated: 40 * 0.75 * 0.50 = 15
  • Over allocated: 40 8 0.75 * 0.80 = 24

Therefore, the planned allocation for these resources is 15 to 24 hours per week, and the relevant graphics and colors are applied in the Allocation view to indicate the under allocation, planned allocation range, and over allocation of resources.

Using the Record Work Planner

The Record Work Planner is usually displayed on the Resources tab of a project record, although an administrator can configure it to be displayed elsewhere on the page. The Record Work Planner covers many of the same workflows as other work planners, and has additional features designed to enable you to use it to work with projects.

Only the relevant filter criteria for the related project are displayed in the filter panel. You can also match the start and end dates with the project's start and end dates, and show other work that resources are assigned to.


The Project Team Schedule has been deprecated in Winter 2025 and will be removed in a future release. If you are using the Project Team Schedule, we recommend that you migrate to the Record Work Planner.

For information on the fields available in the Record Work Planner, see Work Planner Lightning Component Fields.

Smart Rescheduling

You can update your resources' hours from the Record Work Planner using Smart Rescheduling, which provides you with suggested adjustments to the future hours of your project's resources to match your current capacity run rate.


If Smart Rescheduling is not available in your Record Work Planner, contact your administrator.

To apply suggested adjustments to your resources' hours:

  1. On the Record Work Planner on a project record, click View Suggested Adjustments in the notification above the Project Work Planner grid. The Suggested Adjustments window opens.
  2. Review the suggested hours adjustments for each of your assignments, and select the rows of the assignments that you would like to apply the adjustments to.
  3. Click Apply. The Record Work Planner is provisionally updated with the suggested hours adjustments for the assignments you selected.
  4. [Optional] Review the updated hours on the Record Work Planner, and edit them manually, if required.
  5. Click Save.

You can reject the suggested adjustments once they have been applied, but not once they have been saved. To do this, click Reload.

For more information, see Smart Rescheduling Overview.